2019年6月24日 星期一

Love River

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2019/06/24 第283期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Love River
活動快遞 今夏鳳山新亮點高雄首座市民運動中心7月完工

Love River

◎Written by Chen Ting-fang, Cuei Yi-yun ◎English translation by Hou Ya-ting, Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photos by Zeng Sin-yao, Li Siao-ping

Of all Kaohsiung's tourist attractions, Love River is perhaps the one most often associated with romance and love.

※Gondola Voyage

 Anyone interested in taking a 30-minute gondola trip along Love River should head to the intersection of Hedong Road and Minsheng Road, where gondolas moor in front of the statue called "Leaping Carp into Soaring Dragon." The statue represents the main lantern of the 2001 Taiwan Lantern Festival. It is especially enchanting during each Kaohsiung Lantern Festival, when colorful lights are projected upon it and upon Love River.

 During their gondola voyage, passengers can glimpse the colored signs and lights which illuminate the banks of Love River. From time to time, gondola excursions are accompanied by performances of saxophone or guitar music, or folk songs. The amorous ambiance which seems to pervade Love River is enhanced by the scenery and the lights reflected by the surface of the waterway.

 Love River plays a central role in Kaohsiung's festivals and celebrations. Soon after Lunar New Year, Love River is encrusted with colorful lanterns, these splendid lights radiating the atmosphere of the age-old Lantern Festival. During the Dragon Boat Festival, the spirit of competition takes over the waterway. Excitement builds with each drumbeat and splash; as teams race, their paddles chop into the water with a mesmerizing rhythm.

※Delectable French Dish

 After the adrenaline rush of the dragon boat races, it's time to enjoy some romantic and delectable cuisine. San Antonio, a restaurant located beside Love River, is a popular choice. On the second-floor dining area, the most popular seats are those close to the windows facing the river. Reservations are essential on holidays, because the restaurant enjoys an excellent reputation for both its food and its service.

Gondola information:

■Board the gondola at the Hedong Road-Minsheng Road intersection

■Tel: 0908-103-866 (available only during gondola operation hours)

■Operation hours: 4 pm to midnight daily

Note: Gondola rides are not available during Dragon Boat Festival (the fifth day of the fifth lunar month) and on Lunar New Year's Eve

■Ticket prices:

Adults and children taller than 90cm: NT$200

Children under 90cm tall: NT$100

■TI: Take the Kaohsiung MRT Orange Line to Yanchengpu Station(O2)(by Exit 1) and follow Dayong Rd.


Add: No.7-1, Hesi Rd., Yancheng Dist., Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

Tel: 07-5335330

Open: 11:45~15:00 & 17:45~22:00 Tuesday to Sunday, closed on Mondays

TI: Take the Kaohsiung MRT Orange Line to Yanchengpu Station(O2)(by Exit 2) and walk for around 5 min




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