2022年6月2日 星期四

Superteams? More Like Super Flops. 雖然提前放暑假 NBA超級球隊熱潮不減

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2022/06/03 第385期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Superteams? More Like Super Flops. 雖然提前放暑假 NBA超級球隊熱潮不減
Scientists Find No Benefit to Time-Restricted Eating 科學家發覺限時飲食並無益處
Superteams? More Like Super Flops. 雖然提前放暑假 NBA超級球隊熱潮不減
文/Tania Ganguli and Scott Cacc

雖然提前放暑假 NBA超級球隊熱潮不減

The game was over, and the crowd at Barclays Center in New York was chanting "M-V-P." The fans wore NBA jerseys in all of the team's colors, and their star raised his arms to acknowledge their praise.


But Kyrie Irving was already headed to the locker room. So, too, was Kevin Durant. Ben Simmons wasn't even in the building. This was not a celebration for the Brooklyn Nets, who play their home games here.

It was for the Boston Celtics, for their star Jayson Tatum and for the team that had just accomplished a once-unthinkable feat: a four-game sweep of the Nets in the first round of the playoffs.

The Nets superteam the Celtics faced, built around Irving and Durant to win a championship in June, didn't even make it to May.


It was a dismal scene to end a season that started with outsize expectations in October. The Nets had three of the best players on the planet, a cast of characters that was the NBA's version of "Ocean's Eleven." Team executives around the league feared them. In fact, in a preseason poll by NBA.com, 72% of the league's general managers predicted that the Nets would win the title.

The Los Angeles Lakers finished second, with 17% of the vote, proving that nobody knew much of anything: The Lakers did not make the playoffs at all.


Yet when the season started, there was a big question: What could prevent those two teams from meeting in the NBA Finals? Who else but LeBron James could possibly stop Durant from delivering the Nets their first NBA title? And who besides Durant could impede James' march to a fifth championship?


It turned out, plenty would get in their way.


The Nets and the Lakers failed — spectacularly — at creating successful superteams, although the failures had different roots. For the Nets, it was a mix of the absurd: a star who wouldn't get vaccinated against the coronavirus; another star who wanted out after forcing his way to the Nets in the first place; a replacement star who didn't even show up for the elimination game.


For the Lakers, it was pure Hollywood: an aging former All-Star who wanted the ball for himself when his coach wanted him to share; a crew of has-beens hoping for one last hurrah; the A-list star trying to carry the team, but unable to do it the way he had so many times before. Young opponents laughed at them, openly, and reveled in precipitating their demise.


Scientists Find No Benefit to Time-Restricted Eating 科學家發覺限時飲食並無益處
文/Gina Kolata


The weight-loss idea is appealing: Limit your eating to a period of six to eight hours each day, during which you can have whatever you want.


Studies in mice seemed to support so-called time-restricted eating, a form of the popular intermittent fasting diet. Small studies of people with obesity suggested it might help shed pounds.


But now, a one-year study in which people followed a low-calorie diet between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. or consumed the same number of calories anytime during the day has failed to find an effect.


The bottom line, said Dr. Ethan Weiss, a diet researcher at the University of California, San Francisco: "There is no benefit to eating in a narrow window."


The study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, was led by researchers at Southern Medical University in Guangzhou, China, and included 139 people with obesity. Women ate 1,200 to 1,500 calories a day, and men consumed 1,500 to 1,800 calories daily.

To ensure compliance, participants were required to photograph every bit of food they ate and to keep food diaries.


Both groups lost weight — an average of about 14 to 18 pounds — but there was no significant difference in the amounts of weight lost with either diet strategy. There also were no significant differences between the groups in measures of waist circumference, body fat and lean body mass.


The scientists also found no differences in such risk factors as blood glucose levels, sensitivity to insulin, blood lipids or blood pressure.


"These results indicate that caloric intake restriction explained most of the beneficial effects seen with the time-restricted eating regimen," Weiss and his colleagues concluded.


Christopher Gardner, director of nutrition studies at the Stanford Prevention Research Center, said he wouldn't be surprised if time-restricted eating nonetheless worked on occasion.


"Almost every type of diet out there works for some people," he said. "But the take-home supported by this new research is that when subjected to a properly designed and conducted study — scientific investigation — it is not any more helpful than simply reducing daily calorie intake for weight loss and health factors."



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