2014年7月29日 星期二

Mixed-race celebrities 混血兒名人

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2014/07/29 第296期 | 訂閱/退訂 | 看歷史報份

Will of the people

Millions back Suu Kyi call for Myanmar charter change

Myanmar's opposition has gathered millions of signatures in support of changes to a constitution that bars its leader Aung San Suu Kyi from becoming president, in a show of political strength ahead of elections next year. Suu Kyi has traveled the country drawing crowds of thousands with speeches urging the military to accept a reduced political role, as her party of democracy veterans touts its moral authority in the former army-run nation. The petition, which was launched in May, had gathered around 3 million signatures by early July. 緬甸反對派已獲得了上百萬份的連署,以支持修改禁止其領袖翁山蘇姬出任總統的憲法條文,並在明年舉行大選之前展現政治實力。翁山蘇姬所屬政黨的資深人士在這個前軍政權執政的國家鼓吹其道德權威之際,她的足跡已經踏遍了緬甸,並以呼籲軍方接受權力縮限政治角色的演說,吸引了成千上萬的群眾。這項於五月發起的連署行動到了七月初為止,已獲得了大約三百萬人簽名連署。
"In a democratic country the people's will is important. That is why this is important," Nyan Win, a spokesman for Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy (NLD) party, told AFP. 翁山蘇姬所屬政黨全國民主聯盟的發言人那溫向法新社表示:「在民主國家中,人民的意志很重要,而這正是這項連署之所以重要的原因。」
The campaign, which ends Saturday, is focused on altering a provision that currently ensures the military has a veto on any amendment to the junta-era charter. To alter the constitution there needs to be support from a majority of over 75 percent of parliament. Unelected soldiers, who make up a quarter of the legislature, therefore have the last say on changes to the charter. 這項於週六結束的連署行動,重點擺在修改目前確保軍方能否決任何對軍政時代憲法所進行修改的條款。修改該國憲法必須獲得國會超過七成五的多數席次支持,而佔國會四分之一席次的未經選舉 的軍人,因此在這項修憲行動上擁有最後的決定權。
Nyan Win said he expects the clause to be altered during the current sitting of parliament, which ends later this month, and that this would enable further changes. "It is the main door. If it opens, you'll see everything," he said. While the campaign has generated headlines, experts say it is unclear what effect it will have. 那溫表示,他預期這項條款會在這個稍後結束的目前國會會期內修改,而這將能讓進一步的改革展開。他表示:「這項條款是正門,一旦打開後,你就能看到一切了。」雖然這項行動已登上了新聞頭條,不過專家表示,會產生什麼效果仍不得而知。
A member of the constitution amendment committee, which like parliament is dominated by the military and ruling army-backed party, said the petition would make no difference to its deliberations. He said the 31-member group will release its first recommendations in the coming days, but that these are only based on suggestions received before a December deadline. "They should have done this earlier," he told AFP on condition of anonymity because members have been directed not to reveal their deliberations. 一名修憲委員會的成員表示,這項連署不會對審議產生任何影響,而這個單位和國會一樣,是由軍方與執政軍政權支持的政黨所主導。他表示,這個由卅一人組成的團體,將在不久的未來公布其首波建議,但這些建議只是根據十二月截止日期以來接獲的建議而來。由於該委員會成員被指示不得透露審議細節,因此這位匿名成員向法新社表示:「他們應該早一點推動連署的。」
It is believed the committee has already decided not to recommend a change to the controversial provision that currently bars Suu Kyi from becoming president. Myanmar's 2008 charter blocks anyone whose spouse or children are overseas citizens from leading the country — a clause widely believed to be targeted at the Nobel laureate, whose two sons are British. Suu Kyi spent most of two decades locked up under the junta, but now joins former generals in parliament as an MP, thanks to reforms by a quasi-civilian government that took power in 2011. 該委員據信已經決定建議不要修改目前禁止翁山蘇姬出任總統的爭議性條款。二○○八年通過的緬甸憲法禁止任何配偶或子女為外國公民的人領導國家,而各界認為這項條款是特別針對這位兩名兒子皆為英國公民的諾貝爾獎得主而制定的。翁山蘇姬過去廿年來大半遭緬甸軍政權軟禁,但由於二○一一年執政的半文人政府所推動的改革,她現在能和前將領一同出任國會議員。
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本文來自Student Post 1392期
7月27日 – 8月2日, 2014
Mixed-race celebrities

In celebrity-obsessed Japan with its conveyor belt of 15-minute stars, fashion icon Rola is blazing a meteoric trail at the forefront of a galaxy of mixed-race stars changing the DNA of Japanese pop culture. Turn on the TV and there's no escaping the bubbly 24-year-old of Bengali, Japanese and Russian descent — she even dominates the commercial breaks. 

在崇拜名人、一夕爆紅明星不斷出現的日本,時尚偶像 Rola 是改變日本流行文化 DNA 的混血兒明星潮中,一顆劃出流星般尾巴的閃耀新星。只要打開電視,這位擁有孟加拉、日本與俄羅斯血統的廿四歲活潑女孩即無所不在,她甚至佔據了廣告時間。
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柴可夫斯基是俄羅斯的浪漫樂派作曲家。他出生於一個貴族家庭,從五歲就開始學鋼琴,並在幾個月以後就能熟練演奏Friedrich Kalkbrenner的作品Le Fou,非常有天份。
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