2014年12月3日 星期三

Taipei Children’s Amusement Park – A Treasure Trove of Fun

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2014/12/04 第111期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份Discove Taipei
Taipei Children's Amusement Park – A Treasure Trove of Fun
Taipei Children's Amusement Park – A Treasure Trove of Fun
文/Discover Taipei
Taipei Children's Recreation Center (臺北市立兒童育樂中心), formerly Yuanshan Zoo (圓山動物園) and Children's Amusement Park (兒童樂園), was built at Yuanshan in 1934. It was the earliest public children's park in Taiwan and is a fond memory for many Taipei citizens. In its heyday it is said that the queue to enter the center sometimes stretched around it more than two times!

After 80 years of sterling service, Taipei Children's Recreation Center is about to become part of history, and will greet visitors with a new look (and location) as Taipei Children's Amusement Park (臺北兒童新樂園)!

Taipei Children's Amusement Park is situated next to the National Taiwan Science Education Center (國立臺灣科學教育館) at the end of Shishang Road in Shilin District, and covers an area of five hectares. The new park offers easy access and can be reached by free shuttle bus from the MRT Jiantan (劍潭站) or Shilin stations (士林站). Visitors can use their EasyCard (悠遊卡) to enter the park, pay to go on rides and make purchases at some stores, and there are EasyCard vending and value adding machines for the convenience of visitors.

Visitors to the park are greeted by soldier statues wearing excited expressions lined up outside the entrance; the Rainbow Welcoming Plaza has a happy atmosphere by daytime, while at night the multi-colored floor lights present a stunning light show. Adding to the fun, Taipei Children's Amusement Park has 13 large-scale rides, six more than previously, which will all be tested stringently before opening. Conforming to general amusement park standards restrictions have been imposed for some rides with respect to the age, physical and mental condition of visitors to ensure visitor safety.

The park is divided into four areas: Happy Plaza (幸福廣場), Fantasy Forest and Dream Ocean (奇幻森林與夢想海), Magical Planet (魔法星球) and Toy Soldier Kingdom (玩具兵國). The most eye-catching attraction is the Ferris Wheel (水果摩天輪), which has a diameter of 40 meters and a height of 17 stories. From the Ferris Wheel, a bird's-eye view of the Guandu Plain can be enjoyed. Of course, the thrill rides essential to any self-respecting amusement park are all present, such as the Roller Coaster (魔法星際飛車), Wave Swinger (宇宙迴旋鞦韆), Ocean Carousel (海洋總動員), Swing Ship (尋寶船), and Drop Tower (叢林吼吼樹屋), Telecombat (星空小飛碟), and there is also an outdoor sandpit and an indoor ball pit area for kids. Called "Taiwan's Low-price Disneyland," Taipei Children's Amusement Park hopes, with reasonable prices and fine rides, to ensure adults and children alike take away happy memories of their visit.

The Park is next to Taipei Astronomical Museum (臺北市立天文科學教育館), National Taiwan Science Education Center, Meilun Park (美崙公園) and Shuangxi Riverside Park (雙溪河濱公園); they are connected by bus to form a cultural education and amusement area suitable for people of all ages. After the park opens, why not come with family or friends to Shilin to enjoy the new attractions and create your own memories of Taipei?

Taipei Children's Amusement Park (TCAP)


Add: 55, Sec. 5, Chengde Rd. (承德路5段55號)

Tel: (02)218-12345


1. Bus: 41, 255 partial route, 288, 288 partial route, 529, 620, Red 30, M8

2. Free MRT station shuttle bus (during Taipei Children's Amusement Park operating hours)

◎ Full route: TCAP → Jihe Rd. → Zhongzheng Rd. → MRT Shilin Station → Zhongshan N. Rd. → MRT Jiantan Station → Jihe Rd. → Shishang Rd. → TCAP

◎ TCAP ─ MRT Shilin Station partial route:

Outward: TCAP → Jihe Rd. → Zhongzheng Rd. → MRT Shilin Station

Return: MRT Shilin Station → Zhongshan N. Rd. → Fuzhi Rd. → Yunong Rd. → Zhongzheng Rd. → Jihe Rd. → TCAP

◎ TCAP ─ MRT Jiantan Station partial route:

Outward: TCAP → Shishang Rd. → Sec.4, Chengde Rd. → MRT Jiantan Station

Return: MRT Jiantan Station → Jihe Rd. → Shishang Rd. → TCAP


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