2019年4月29日 星期一

Vibrant Cianjhen District

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2019/04/29 第281期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Vibrant Cianjhen District
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Vibrant Cianjhen District

◎Written by Liao Shun-fu ◎English translation by Hou Ya-ting ◎Photos by Bill Hwang

Cianjhen District was historically the center of Taiwan's heavy industry and export processing. Over the decades, it has greatly contributed to Taiwan's economy. With the changing times, Cianjhen District's industries have also had to be transformed. Asia's New Bay Area in Kaohsiung is one of Kaohsiung City Government's key urban renewal projects, which promises to bring back Cianjhen's booming economy.

※Cianjhen Fishing Port

One of Kaohsiung's major economy activities is fishery. Cianjhen Fishing Port is the headquarter of Taiwan's pelagic fishing vessels since 1970s. Throughout the year, fishing vessels leave Cianjhen Fishing Port on deep sea fishing expeditions that take them across the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. Vessels based there supply the world with squid, tuna and saury. Last year, Cianjhen Fishing Port was also the world's largest saury provider.

Cianjhen Fishing Port plays an extremely prominent role in Taiwan's fishing industries. Many important government fishery agencies have also had their headquarters set up in Cianjhen District. These include Ocean Affairs Council, Marine Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government, The Executive Yuan's Council of Agriculture's Fishery Agency and Fisheries Research Institute. These agencies provide support for the regions maritime and seafood industries.

※Kaohsiung Museum of Fisheries Civilization

Among Taiwan's cities, Kaohsiung's fishery output is No. 1 in terms of both volume and value. Hence, the city government has set up Kaohsiung Museum of Fisheries Civilization for visitors to learn more about the history of Kaohsiung's fishing industry. The museum is located at No. 2 Yugang Central 1st Road in Cianjhen District. It has exhibits about the region's historical fishing industry, how seafood is processed and other industry displays including squid, tuna and saury.

※A Haven for Shoppers

Cianjhen District has a variety of department stores and shops. Some of the district's older department stores include Shin Kong Mitsukoshi (Sanduo Branch), Pacific SOGO Department Store, FE21' Mega Far Eastern and the Dream Mall. COSTCO Wholesale and IKEA also have branches in Cianjhen. Over the last several years new shopping complexes continue to open. Cianjhen District is certainly one of Kaohsiung's greatest recreational and shopping hubs.

MLD (Metropolitan Living Development) and Taroko Park are two of Kaohsiung's newest shopping and entertainment centers. MLD was constructed out of Taiwan Aluminum Corporation's old warehouses. The repurposed, refurbished warehouses were transformed into a dynamic complex that includes a grocery store, handicraft stalls, bookstores, restaurants and a movie theater. It has become particularly popular with avid readers and book lovers.

Taroko Park is also one of Kaohsiung's new recreational areas. It includes a department store, a wide variety of restaurants, an indoor batting range and other sports facilities, amusement park rides, racing cars for all ages, bowling, a movie theater and other family oriented recreational activities. Both MLD and Taroko can be accessed by Kaohsiung Metro, bus and Kaohsiung Light Rail Transit system. There are also bike paths that run along the Cianjhen River from Cueiheng North Road to Sinsheng Road. The bike paths take visitors passing MLD, Taroko Park and the Dream Mall.

※KUBIC Village

Another recent instillation and one of Kaohsiung's newest tourist spots is KUBIC Village. Located across the road from IKEA, the 249,023 square foot complex was constructed out of 33 colorful shipping containers. These are definitely symbolic of Kaohsiung's famous port and its maritime culture. KUBIC Village is a great place for visitors to experience the local culture and buy handmade regional products. The city government hoped that it could also develop and provide a space that would promote local creative industries. The space can also be used for exhibitions, seminars and workshops.

※Cianjhen Night Market

Any visitor to Taiwan must include a trip to a night market in their itinerary. Cianjhen Night Market offers a multitude of Taiwanese traditional dishes and local cuisines. It is a great way to experience the culture and some of its most popular delicacies such as, fried seafood, duck noodles, thick vermicelli soup and stinky tofu. The night market can be accessed from the LRT's (Kaohsiung Light Rail Transit) Kaisyuan Jhonghua Station.

※Asia's New Bay Area in Kaohsiung

The city government has launched the Asia's New Bay Area in Kaohsiung project in order to stimulate economic growth and refurbish the harbor area. It is part of the city's urban renewal projects. Its four new large public landmarks include Kaohsiung Exhibition Center, Kaohsiung Main Public Library, Kaohsiung Music Center and Kaohsiung Port Terminal. It also includes a light rail transit system.

Kaohsiung Exhibition Center and Kaohsiung Main Public Library opened in 2014. The Kaohsiung Music Center and Kaohsiung Port Terminal are scheduled to be completed in 2019. The 1.5-hectare exhibition center holds a variety of events throughout the year. The space is not only great for large exhibitions, but can also be utilized for seminars and other large gatherings. It is within close proximity to the Kaohsiung International airport.

Kaohsiung Main Public Library was named first among Taiwan's "Top Ten Must -Visit Libraries." It has over one million books, and the library's 160,000-plus illustrated books in Chinese and other languages delight readers.  

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