2022年8月23日 星期二

Experience Coastal Zihguan

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2022/07/18 第342期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Experience Kaohsiung's Metaverse
活動快遞 《雄心高飛 創新經典》高雄企業二代傳承與創新歷程分享
Experience Kaohsiung's Metaverse
◎Written by Li Siao-ping
◎English translation by Lin Yu-ciao
◎Photos by Cindy Lee

"Small Oyster Rock" concerts have recently brought people to Zihguan District. While enjoying the concerts, go to a seaside tavern for a barbecue dinner. It is also a great place to watch the sunset. If visitors arrive early enough in the morning, they can watch the fishermen's fresh catch auctioned off and explore the century-old historical residence. Auctions are held at the Fisheries Association at Kezailiao fishing port, where fishing boats return at around 11:30 am.  
Visitors should also check out the seafood stir-fry restaurants and sample the local cuisine. Watch as they prepare the dishes on the outside stove while sitting under a thatched roof at a hand-made table.
Try their Spanish Paella or dried Forefinger Threadfin and top it off with a local alcoholic beverage. The restaurants provide a relaxing atmosphere and are great places to sit and enjoy the sunset.
Yu Jia-rong was born and raised in Chikan but left his hometown as an adult. Over the years, he devoted himself to community development. He then returned home to organize concerts known as "Small Oyster Rock." He also opened a barbecue restaurant named after the Cuban revolutionary Guevara. There are numerous books in the corner of the restaurant. He aims to collaborate with TaKao Books Bookstore in the future to provide 500 marine-related books and organize lectures and training sessions. He hopes that through his restaurant and the bookstore, he will be able to promote his hometown's local culture and cuisine.  
After visiting Kezailiao fishing port, head north on Provincial Highway 17, which divides the Zihguan District into Chikan, famous for its artistic products, and Zihping, known for its traditional architecture. The Rural Regeneration Project invited sculptors from Sandimen to help beautify the Zihping community. They used discarded metals and screws from local factories to create public art in the shape of butterflies and dragonflies. This vibrant street art provides the community with a feeling of spring all year round.
At the Chikan seaside community, you can visit Liou Wun-si's former residence. This red brick Fujian-style three-section compound is made with a blend of ancient Chinese and European Baroque architectural styles and houses more than 300 years of history. The wall relief reveals the prosperity of the past. Around the corner is the century-old Chikan ancient well, which is another interesting historical attraction for visitors to see.  
Continue along the quiet alley towards the sea and find "Gangzaimen Studio Association" at the end of Chikan West Road. Here, visitors can experience the local culture, participate in workshops and enjoy regional art. It also provides a community learning center, homestays, and performances. The roof terrace is also a nice place to watch the sunset as night falls over the small fishing village.
《雄心高飛 創新經典》高雄企業二代傳承與創新歷程分享

高雄市長陳其邁上任後將推動產業轉型列為四大優先政策之一,經發局除積極招商引進半導體及5G AIoT兩大主軸產業外,同時輔導傳統產業升級轉型,持續與多家在地企業深度交流互動,特別將舊振南、SKB、享溫馨、中信造船等12家企業二代接班傳承與推動創新的歷程,彙整成《雄心高飛 創新經典》專刊,分享他們的獨創力、創新力與傳承力,即日起可在經發局官網閱讀電子版或至高雄市立圖書館各分館借閱。…

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