2015年4月2日 星期四

Games Meant to Boost Efficiency of Workers/工作如遊戲 提高員工KPI

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2015/04/03 第66期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Games Meant to Boost Efficiency of Workers/工作如遊戲 提高員工KPI
Anger Over China's Bureaucracy/大陸作風官僚 民眾怨聲載道
Games Meant to Boost Efficiency of Workers/工作如遊戲 提高員工KPI
If work could be more like a game, would it increase workers' productivity?


BetterWorks, of Palo Alto, California, makes office software that blends aspects of social media, fitness tracking and video games into a system meant to keep employees more engaged with their work and one another. With the software, employees and their bosses set goals and log their progress on a digital dashboard that everyone in their company can see and comment on.



The firm has raised about $15.5 million from investors, including John Doerr, the wellknown venture capitalist.


A critic might describe it as a white-collar spin on an old idea — workplace efficiency — that used to be performed by punch clocks and assembly lines. But Mr. Doerr, who has instilled similar concepts in many of the tech companies he has invested in, is betting that the same ideas will be adopted far beyond Silicon Valley.


"I think we're going to see more and more systems in this field of quantified work, or people science, that are going to make the most valuable resource that we have — which is our team — more effective," he said .


Silicon Valley companies are known for casual work clothes and generous employee perks like free lunches , but they share corporate America's affinity for dogmatic processes and mind-numbing acronyms. The Valley's tech companies excel at turning those dreary processes into something useful.


"The big picture is how to make all this stuff more data- driven," said Kris Duggan, the chief executive of Better- Works. Mr. Duggan who founded Badgeville, whose software turns work tasks into badges and a leader board in an effort to add elements of games to work. His new company blends that game-playing sensibility with hard-core metrics.


Using BetterWorks software, workers set goals, like "Sign 10 new customers by May," and enter them into an internal system that can be viewed by other employees . Co-workers can give each other encouragement ("cheers") or shaming ("nudges"). A worker's profile shows a digital tree that grows with accomplishments and shrivels with poor productivity.


The impulse to find ways to make people work harder is hardly new. Factories have long cajoled their people to compete with one another so that, through a combination of peer pressure and ambition, they do more work.


Karen Levy, a fellow at the Data and Society Research Institute in New York, did a three-year study on performance tracking in a decidedly old-line business: trucking. Over the last two decades, the industry has used GPS and other technologies to measure how fast drivers are going and how suddenly they brake, with the goal of getting goods delivered quickly but not so quickly that drivers waste gas.


To make drivers more efficient, companies post scoreboards in the break rooms or mail bonus checks to spouses so that they get competitive pressure from home as well as work.


One of the main ways people become more productive is by using their supposed downtime to do even more work. Many drivers did things like loading, unloading and inspecting their trucks during federally required breaks ."If you distract workers with the idea that they are playing the game, they don't challenge the rules of the game," she said.


Companies like BetterWorks are importing similar concepts to office jobs where performance is more subjective.


BetterWorks charges a monthly $15 fee for each user and has "seven figures" in revenue, according to Mr. Duggan. The software is cloud-based, allowing employees to use it across various devices.


But what if too much measurement makes people angry? That question is at the heart of another start-up, Culture Amp, an Australian company that makes a sort of worker- polling system , essentially a set of continuous, anonymous surveys that lets companies know how their workers are feeling and rates them against other companies in the same industry.

但是萬一評量太多,把人給惹毛了該怎麼辦?這個問題是另一家新創公司成立的宗旨。澳洲Culture Amp公司製造一種員工意見調查系統,主要是一套連續、不記名的調查,讓公司知道員工感受如何以及員工對自家公司和業界其他公司的評比。

That way theywill know when everyone is about to quit.


Anger Over China's Bureaucracy/大陸作風官僚 民眾怨聲載道
China's bureaucracy has long been a bewildering maze of "relevant departments," official red-ink seals and stone-faced functionaries.


Supplicants ricochet from one government office to another, sometimes across the country, in their quest for the permits needed to get through daily life.


To get a license plate for a new car, for example, a resident of Beijing must win a pass in a lottery in which the odds of success are less than 1 percent. Women often obtain permits allowing them to give birth after they wed, but they usually expire after two years. Unmarried women are ineligible for them. Just starting a new job and registering for public benefits can mean amassing a small mountain of documents .


As its ranks grow, China's middle class — wired, ambitious and worldly — is increasingly unwilling to tolerate such obstacles, the vestiges of a capricious Mao-era bureaucracy that still holds sway .


For many educated city dwellers, it is this system, more than censorship and propaganda, that serves as a grinding reminder of the Communist Party's dominion over their lives.


"The government isn't thereto make our lives easier," said Daisy Li, a media producer who has applied nine times for a passport for her daughter, whose father is Scottish. "They've set up all those rules so the people are easier to control."



Analysts say such frustrations feed public discontent at a time when the party is trying to bolster its appeal by combating corruption and vowing to ease the constraints on small businesses. President Xi Jinping's motto for cutting through bureaucracy in government is: "Deal with it instantly."


Keeping the middle class happy, China's leaders have come to realize, is vital for the party's long-term survival. Concerns about potential social unrest starting within the urban elite are not far-fetched.


Aware of the public's mounting exasperation, the government has gradually eased some restrictions. Yet, like recent changes to the country's onechild policy, they come with additional reams of paperwork. One well-traveled joke suggests that approval for a second child takes so long to obtain that couples should begin applying before they conceive — or else the baby might arrive first.


Minxin Pei, an expert on Chinese politics at Claremont Mc- Kenna College in California, described the nation's bureaucracy as a time-tested mechanism for control that functions as "an unmovable layer insulating the top leader from popular pressure.


"In China, after you go through the red tape, you often don't get an outcome or an explanation," he said. "The system is designed to allow bureaucrats to do nothing and get away with it," he said.


The head-spinning tangle of regulations infuriates many ordinary Chinese. At the heart of their ire is the hukou, or family registration, an onerous system akin to an internal passport that often tethers services like public education, subsidized health care and pensions to the birthplace of a Chinese citizen's parents — even if he or she never lived there.


Created in the 1950s and designed to restrict the flow of rural villagers into large cities, the hukou system has become widely detested in recent years. Hundreds of millions of migrants have flocked to work in China's booming metropolises, and critics say the system makes them second-class citizens and subjects them to widespread discrimination in schooling, housing and employment.


One recent afternoon, Li Ying, 39, sat in a fluorescent-lit Beijing government office, waiting for her number to be called so she could apply for a temporary residence permit that would allow her 6-year-old son to enroll in school.


Although Ms. Li moved to Beijing with her parents as a child in 1981, her hukou is registered in a distant town, meaning her son will be shut out of the city's public schools without the permit.


Among the 14 required documents, Ms. Li must provide her hukou certificate, proof of residence, a diploma, a job contract, a marriage license, her husband's identity card, his hukou, a certificate proving that she has only one child and a company document detailing her work performance and tax payments.


"What a headache," she said . "Red tape is good for the government but not for us Chinese people."



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