2015年8月30日 星期日

Mayor Chen Chu's Visit to Hawaii/陳菊市長率團訪問夏威夷

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2015/08/31 第182期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 陳菊市長率團訪問夏威夷
活動快遞 庄頭藝穗節巡演活動-「阿蓮區庄頭音樂會」
Mayor Chen Chu's Visit to Hawaii
【English translation:Wendy Wei Chang】

In June, Mayor of Kaohsiung, Chen Chu and delegates from Kaohsiung City Government, visited Honolulu, Hawaii. The trip was a great opportunity for Kaohsiung to strengthen ties with other international cities. Mayor Chen met with the state Governor and Honolulu's Mayor. She also met with Deputy Mayor Roy K. Amemiya, who visited Kaohsiung back in 2013 while attending the Asia Pacific Cities Summit (APCS).

On June 12th, Mayor Chen and Kaohsiung's delegation visited the Hawaiian Statehouse, where they were met by Governor David Ige. Mayor Chen described how Kaohsiung has been changing its image and transforming itself into an Asia-Pacific tourist destination. Hawaii is nicknamed the Rainbow State and is a world famous tourist destination. Mayor Chen felt they could learn a lot from Hawaii's experience in tourism and the delegation had been warmly received.

Mayor Chen also introduced Kaohsiung's top industries to the governor. She spoke about Taiwan being the largest yacht producer in Asia, with Kaohsiung's yacht industry accounting for 80% of Taiwan's total production. She described the fastener industry in Ghangshan, with Kaohsiung accounting for one third of the world's screw manufacturing. She also highlighted Kaohsiung's vibrant deep-sea fishing industry. Kaohsiung's initiatives and highly developed industries impressed the Hawaiian leaders.

After her visit to the Hawaiian Statehouse, Mayor Chen visited the Honolulu City Government. Honolulu was Kaohsiung's first sister city and have maintained this relationship for over half a century. There are frequent public and governmental exchanges between them. In 2012, the cities signed a Memorandum of Understanding and since then their relationship has drawn even closer.

Mayor Chen emphasized the fact that both Honolulu and Kaohsiung are cities that have large harbors and are located beside sea. The Port of Kaohsiung is Taiwan's biggest harbor; while Honolulu is an important gateway into the United States, as well as a critical center for trade across the Pacific Ocean. In order to work with harbor cities around the world, facilitate new perspectives on harbor city development and cultivate cooperation between international harbor cities, Kaohsiung will host the Global Harbor City Forum in 2016. Mayor Chen took the opportunity to extend a warm invitation to the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Honolulu's City Government to attend the Forum. Deputy Mayor Amemiya appreciated Mayor Chen's invitation and also expressed his intentions to continue cooperation between the two cities.

Mayor Chen also visited the Polynesian Cultural Center owned by Brigham Young University of Hawaii, where she observed how Hawaii partners academia with industry. Mayor Chen hopes to collaborate with Hawaii on integrating this practical model in order to create more opportunities for Taiwanese students studying abroad. Mayor Chen emphasized that she will continue to strive to build and develop the Taiwanese Association in Hawaii and hopes talented, well-educated Taiwanese can return to Taiwan and work in Kaohsiung in order to create a better future for kaohsiung.



高雄市長陳菊與市府團隊於6月12日拜會夏威夷州政府,受到伊芸州長(Governor David Ige) 熱情款待。陳菊市長表示,夏威夷是世界知名的旅遊聖地-彩虹之州,高雄市近年來也力求轉型,未來希望打造高雄為亞太旅遊之都,夏威夷許多地方值得借鏡學習。陳市長也向伊芸州長介紹高雄產業特色,包括亞洲第一的台灣遊艇產業,高雄就佔了全台總產值百分之八十;岡山螺絲產業,高雄佔有全世界三分之一;以及豐沛的遠洋漁業.高雄期待與夏威夷在施政和經貿上加強合作交流。

結束州政府訪問行程後,陳菊市長接著拜會與高雄市有超過半世紀姐妹市情誼的夏威夷檀香山市政府。檀香山為高雄的第一個姊妹市,官方、民間交流頻繁,2012年高雄和檀香山簽署了加強合作備忘錄後,雙方關係更加密切。此次與曾於2013年率團參加「高雄亞太城市高峰會」的副市長羅伊•阿美米亞(Roy K. Amemiya)會面 。




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