2020年7月30日 星期四


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2020/07/31 第523期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 容易用錯的所有格和縮寫
【英語學習Plus】 遭逢天災時,寵物該怎麼辦
【本月發燒書】 新制多益聽力搶分訓練營:3 STEPS打造高效聽力腦【解題技巧練習本+中譯解析本雙書版】
【好康情報局】 ★新書推薦★新制多益聽力搶分訓練營:3 STEPS打造高效聽力腦【解題技巧練習本+中譯解析本雙書版】


★ their 是they 的所有格
• Did Tyrone and Mark go with their friends Joan and Clark to Yellowstone National Park?
(their 是所有格限定詞,修飾名詞friends。)

★ they're 是they are 的縮寫
• They're the best soccer players in Budapest.
(they're 是they are 的縮寫。)

★ there 是副詞,不表示所有權,也不修飾名詞
• Hannah Hair wants to visit Bali and have a relaxing vacation there.
(there 是地方副詞,表示in Bali,說明漢娜.黑爾要在哪兒度假。)


★ whose 是who的所有格
• Whose toy UFO was flying around Joe?
(所有格限定詞whose 修飾名詞toy UFO。)

★ who's 是who is或who has的縮寫
• Who's going to feed Lou's parrot a sweet carrot?
(who's 是who is 的縮寫。)

────── 節錄寂天講堂「容易用錯的所有格和縮寫」

遭逢天災時,寵物該怎麼辦 Pets in Natural Disasters

The northeastern United States continues to clean up, repair, and rebuild in communities hit by Hurricane Sandy. Many people ignored warnings to leave their homes for emergency shelters. Often, this was because of their pets or livestock. Shelters rarely permit animals.

This issue comes up in almost all floods, large wildfires, and earthquakes.Christopher Cruise tells about efforts in the state of Oregon to inform people about how to protect their animals from disasters.

"Thank you for coming to our 'Animals and Disasters Preparedness' class ..."

That is Jo Becker of the Oregon Humane Society. She is opening a training program with pictures taken in New York during and after super-storm Sandy blew through the city last month.

"... firemen immersing themselves in chest-deep water for dogs and cats. We don't want our firefighters immersing themselves in polluted water..."

A number of people drowned in their homes because they stayed with their pets.

"Emergency shelters won't accept animals. If you're lucky, people and animal shelters will be located close to each other."

It is a nationwide policy to keep pets, except for service dogs, out of human shelters. Many people suffer allergic reactions to animal fur. There is also the danger of fighting between animals, attacks on humans, and other possible problems.

Some estimates suggest as many as 73 million American households include a cat, dog, or other pet. So what are these animal owners to do when natural disasters strike?

Class attendee Wendy Colvin is among those millions. "We own two pygmy goats and about a dozen chickens."

Wendy Colvin signed up as a volunteer with a disaster aid service after Hurricane Katrina wrecked much of the coastline along the Gulf of Mexico. So she has learned about helping her human neighbors recover from disaster. But what about animals? She says the rule against animals at shelters leaves
her with little choice.

"I hadn't really thought about it before. If we had to move them, we would probably put them into the pickup truck and take them wherever we had to go."

Holly Smith works at an animal hospital in Olympia, Washington. She says she has a plan for her dog, two cats, and two rabbits. She has plastic boxes ready to go with a seven-day supply of pet food, toys, and other things. She also has pet carriers for all members of her little zoo. Holly Smith says her animals are
more prepared for an emergency than she is. But she wants to do more.

"My biggest thing is getting, just getting the government to realize that animals need to be part of the solution and part of the plans. Otherwise they are gonna be a major hiccup, a major problem."


幾乎所有洪水、森林大火, 和地震災害都存在這個問題。克里斯多夫. 克魯斯(Christopher Cruise)解釋俄勒岡州如何努力使民眾了解,如何在災難中保護自己的動物。


介紹這課程的是俄勒岡人道協會的喬.貝克(Jo Becker)。她開了一門訓練課程,用上個月超級颶風桑迪肆虐紐約當時與過後所拍攝的照片上課。





據估計多達7300 萬個美國家庭,飼養包括貓、狗等的寵物。那麼當遭遇天災時,寵物主人可以為寵物做些什麼呢?

上這門培訓課的溫蒂. 科文(Wendy Colvin)剛好是數千萬養寵物的家庭之一。「我們有兩隻侏儒山羊,和十幾隻雞。」



荷莉.史密斯(Holly Smith)在華盛頓州奧林匹亞區的一家動物醫院工作。她說她為自己的一隻狗、兩隻貓和兩隻兔子規劃了一個逃難計劃。她準備了塑膠箱,裡面裝了七天份的寵物食品、玩具和其他東西。她也有寵物箱可以放置她的寵物們。她說她為寵物所準備的救難東西,比她自己的 還充足,但她覺得這樣還不夠。


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