2015年8月3日 星期一


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2015/08/03 第150期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份




a)    集合

b)    根深蒂固的

c)    動機


1. Alasdair Harris

Founder, Blue Ventures
London, United Kingdom

Blue Ventures organizes projects that a) rally coastal communities in the developing world around local conservation efforts. The main focus of his organization is to demonstrate the benefits environmental projects can yield. One of Harris's first demonstrations involved temporarily 1) cordoning off an octopus-fishing area in Madagascar. By allowing the ecosystem to rebuild, octopuses and other sea life flourished, leading to an increase in catch and profits.





2. Ma Jun

Director, Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs
Beijing, China

The Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs since 2006 has maintained a publicly accessible national pollution database, where the data is displayed on an interactive online map of China. Users also can search individual companies' environmental supervision records.



Journalists, non-governmental organizations, and researchers were some of the first to use his database to advocate for change, Jun says. But now brands like Apple, Hewlett Packard and H&M are using the data to monitor their suppliers.



3. Safeena Husain

CEO, Educate Girls,
Mumbai, India

The first main goal of Educate Girls is to bring Indian girls who aren't in school into the education system. And second, once they are there, to make sure that they are really learning. Changing b) entrenched views about girls and education is a long-term process, she says, but so far her organization's efforts have helped to educate 1.3 million children, including more than 80,000 girls that it has brought into the school system.





4. Jagdeesh Rao

Chief Executive, Foundation for Ecological Security,
Anand, Gujarat, India

About 200 million people in India rely on government-owned common land for their livelihoods. Historically these areas have been overexploited, since without ownership rights people have lacked a strong c) incentive to preserve local resources. That's why Jagdeesh Rao founded the Foundation for Ecological Security to help local villagers set up formal institutions in order to better maintain publicly owned land.





Rao hopes to empower people to make decisions that benefit their communities in the long-term, and moreover, to restore the environment and provide them with greater economic security.




Cordon sth off  包圍;隔離

Cordon 是警戒線的意思,cordon 當動詞時常和 off 連用,意思是把某地區包圍,隔離。

Police cordoned off this house where the crime occurred. 當犯罪事件發生時,警察把這房子封鎖了。


很多人在寫英文時,常常因為選字(Word Choice)而需要勤查字典,譬如要寫「問題」,就不知該選question、problem還是issue。以下針對選字的煩惱,試舉五例:
  1. All teaching staff and students got together to congratulate the fiftieth anniversary of the university. 老師和學生都聚在一起慶祝大學五十週年紀念日。
  2. Karl is very effective at work, so he can always be off work on time. 卡爾在工作上非常有效率,所以他總是能夠準時下班。
  3. Staying up late is a bad custom. 熬夜是一個壞習慣。
  4. Simon doesn’t like today’s cold and rainy climate. 賽門不喜歡今天寒冷又下雨的天氣。
  5. The prices of these shoes are very cheap. 這些鞋子的售價很便宜。


  1. All teaching staff and students got together to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the university.congratulate意指「祝賀」,只能以受賀者為受詞,並以on引出祝賀的原因;celebrate則多半指慶祝節日、事件或勝利。
  2. Karl is very efficient at work, so he can always leave work on time.efficient是「有效率的」,effective是「有效果的」,前者指有效地利用了時間、資源,後者則是強調能產生預期、渴望的效果。
  3. Staying up late is a bad habit.custom是指社會、團體的習俗或慣例,habit才是指個人的習慣。
  4. Simon doesn’t like today’s cold and rainy weather.climate指的是某地區長期的「氣候」,weather才是指某段特定期間的天候狀況。
  5. The prices of these shoes are very low.cheap用來修飾某件東西,但不能修飾價格,price應該用high或low來表示高低。

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