| | | | Did You Know Toothpaste Could Do This?
| Toothpaste is something that we all use every day. But did you know that it can do a lot more than clean your teeth? Below are just a few of the countless uses for toothpaste that people have come up with.
Stop Itching Have an itchy mosquito bite? Try putting a little toothpaste on it. The menthol in the toothpaste will cool your skin and take your mind off the itch.
Get Rid of Smells After you cook with garlic or onions, it can be hard to get rid of the smell on your hands. It may seem strange, but scrubbing your fingers with toothpaste is a great solution to this problem! This trick can also be used on items that have developed a smell, such as plastic food containers.
Make Jewelry Shine Who would have thought that toothpaste is almost as good at cleaning jewelry as it is at cleaning teeth? Rub toothpaste on silver jewelry or scrub diamonds with toothpaste and a soft toothbrush. They'll be as bright as your pearly whites in no time! | | 牙膏原來有這麼多妙用! | 牙膏是我們所有人每天都在用的東西。但是你知道它的作用不只是清潔牙齒而已嗎?以下只是人們所想到牙膏無數用途中的其中幾樣。
止癢 有被蚊子叮過覺得癢嗎?試試看在叮咬的地方塗上一點牙膏。牙膏中的薄荷醇能冰鎮皮膚,讓你忘了癢。
去除異味 用大蒜或洋蔥烹飪後,可能很難將手上的味道去除。這也許看似奇怪,但用牙膏擦洗手指是解決這個問題很棒的方法!這個祕訣還可用在已產生味道的物品上,像是塑膠製的食品容器。
讓珠寶閃閃發光 誰會想到牙膏在清潔珠寶上幾乎與清潔牙齒的效果一樣好?在銀製首飾上抹上牙膏,或用牙膏和軟毛牙刷來刷洗鑽石。它們馬上就會跟你的牙齒一樣潔白!
| 《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.234 10月號Live互動英語雜誌 》 | | | | | | | self-driving bus 自駕公車 | (由self-(靠自己的、自動的)加上drive(駕駛)的現在分詞組成,表示「自動駕駛的」,也可稱為autonomous bus)為了解決偏鄉及離峰時的人力缺口問題,打造科技智慧城市,近來許多地方紛紛開始測試無人自駕公車,如全由國產研發的迷你電動巴士WinBus已在七月中旬完成試車,開始在彰濱鹿港的幾個觀光工廠之間提供載客接駁服務,民眾可線上預約體驗搭乘。台北及台南也已獲得監理單位的自駕公車道路測試許可,積極進行試營運,希望在年底前可開放載客。 |
| driverless adj. 無人駕駛的 sensor n. 感應器 global positioning system n. phr. 全球定位系統(簡稱GPS) shuttle service n. phr. 接駁服務 road test n. 道路測試 trial run n. 試營運;試車、運行測試 commercial operation n. phr. 商業營運 WinBus, Taiwan’s first self-driving, fully electric tour bus, completed a trial run in Changhua County in mid-July. 台灣首款全電動的自駕觀光小巴WinBus在七月中旬於彰化縣完成試運行。 | | | |
| | | | | 2020/10/5 (一) | | Who would have thought that toothpaste is almost as good at cleaning jewelry as it is at cleaning teeth? 誰會想到牙膏在清潔珠寶上幾乎與清潔牙齒的效果一樣好? |
| 2020/10/6 (二) | | Since toothpaste is great at cleaning our teeth, it's no surprise that it can clean other things. 由於牙膏清潔牙齒的效果很好,因此可以清潔其他東西並不足為奇。 |
| 2020/10/7 (三) | | To fight this problem, researchers have developed algae that can handle heat better. 為了對抗這個問題,研究人員已培育出更能應付高溫的海藻。 |
| 2020/10/8 (四) |
| Well, I don't know if you're aware, but the Battle of the Bands is coming up next Friday. 嗯,我不知道您是否知道,下週五就是「樂團大亂鬥」了。 |
| 2020/10/9 (五) | | You're not helping. 你在幫倒忙。 | | | | | | | | 開學書展大作戰 | 歡慶雙十月 | | | | | |