2015年5月25日 星期一

The Bellas take it up an octave 「美麗女聲」更上一層樓

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2015/05/26 第337期 | 訂閱/退訂 | 看歷史報份

Honduras ambassador awaits accident report

Honduran ambassador says accident was no hit and run

Honduras Ambassador to Taiwan Rafael Fernando Sierra Quesada said he did not call the police immediately after a May 17 car accident because he was trying to help the teenage Taiwanese scooter rider who ran into his car in Tamsui. Sierra, who took up the Taiwan post in January, said it was not a hit-and-run accident, as has been alleged. 宏都拉斯駐華大使謝拉表示,五月十七日他的轎車在淡水遭一名騎機車的少年撞上,而意外發生後,他沒有立即通知警方是因為他想幫助這名少年。今年一月派駐台灣的謝拉說,整起事件不是這名少年的母親所宣稱的肇事逃逸。
Footage from a dashcam on the car driven by the ambassador showed the scooter appearing suddenly from behind another vehicle and going into a left turn, then running into the ambassador's car at an intersection where Sierra's car had the green light. Sierra said he had erred by not calling the police immediately but that was because he was trying to help the 15-year-old scooter rider. 謝拉轎車上的行車紀錄器畫面顯示,這名少年的機車從另一台汽車的後方突然出現,接著違規左轉,而謝拉當時在路口等綠燈,正準備開車時,少年的機車卻撞了上來。謝拉表示,他沒有立即報警的確有所疏失,但這麼做是為了保護這名十五歲的機車騎士。
At the time, Sierra said, he told the teenager he should not worry and that it was not a problem if he could not pay for the damage to the car. "If you can't pay (for) my car, we will figure out something," Sierra said he told the young man, adding that he also gave the scooter rider the assurance that he would not sue him. He said he remained on the scene for about 35-40 minutes with the teenager until his father arrived. The ambassador said he gave his card to the teenager so that the family could contact him. 謝拉表示,事發當時他告訴這名少年不用擔心,如果他無法賠償車輛的損失也沒關係。謝拉向少年說:「如果你負擔不起賠償的費用,我們可以另外想辦法。」他補充道,他也向這名機車騎士保證,自己不會告他。謝拉表示自己在現場待了卅五至四十分鐘,直到少年的父親抵達為止,並將自己的名片給了他,好讓他的父母事後能與他取得聯繫。
Sierra said he was not trying to run away after the accident, as the teenager's mother has reportedly alleged. Sierra said he had asked his embassy to report the case to police the day after the accident because a police report was required to file the damage claim with the car insurance company. The teenager was riding the scooter without a license and he violated the traffic rules when he made that left turn and hit the car, Sierra said, citing the findings of the initial investigation. 謝拉說,他並沒有像報導中這名少年的母親所宣稱的試圖肇事逃逸。他也表示,在事發隔天,已請大使館向警方報案,因為向汽車保險公司申請損害賠償時需要出示警方的調查報告。謝拉引用最初的調查結果表示,這名少年是無照駕駛,且違規左轉,才會撞上他的車。
The news of the accident surfaced on May 18 after the boy's mother posted some comments on Facebook, accusing Sierra of hitting her son and throwing a name card at him before driving away. "I am a little bit sad for what happened," Sierra said. The news has also appeared in his home country and it was falsely reported that he had hit the teenager and run away, he added. "We're waiting for the final report from the police," Sierra said, after giving his report to the Tamsui police. 這名少年的母親將事故發表於臉書上,指控謝拉撞到她的兒子,丟下名片後就開車離去,這起意外事件才於五月十八日曝光。謝拉說:「對於所發生的一切,我感到有些難過。」他也說,這則消息傳回了宏都拉斯,且被錯誤報導成他撞到這名少年後逃逸。謝拉在向淡水警方報案後表示:「我們會持續等待警方最後的調查報告出爐。」
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本文來自Student Post 1433期
5月24日 – 5月30日, 2015
The Bellas take it up an octave      

"Who run the world? Girls!" sing those irrepressible Barden University Bellas, channeling Beyonce, in the movie "Pitch Perfect 2." And yes, they sure do run the world. "Pitch Perfect," Universal Pictures' modest 2012 comedy about a college a cappella group (the Bellas), racked up US$113 million worldwide and an additional US$103 million in home video sales.

「這世界誰最大?女人我最大!」活力四射的巴登大學「美麗女聲」合唱團,在電影《歌喉讚 2》中大聲唱出碧昂絲的精神。而正如歌詞所言,這個世界也的確是由她們來主導。環球影業於 2012 年推出的低成本喜劇片《歌喉讚》,描述大學校園內美麗女聲阿卡貝拉合唱團的故事,電影最後的全球總票房高達一億一千三百萬美元,家庭電影甚至還有一億三百萬美元的銷售額。
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