2015年9月27日 星期日

Old Lu's Jiangsi Style Noodle Shop/老盧外省麵

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2015/09/28 第184期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份


主  題 老盧外省麵
活動快遞 「聽樹在說話-花繁樹燦在港都」-中都濕地公園假日生態講座
Old Lu's Jiangsi Style Noodle Shop
【English translation: Peng Hsin-yi 】

Old Lu's Jiangsi Style Noodle Shop is located in Neimen District. It offers simple yet classic comfort food, such as dry noodles and wonton soup. These timeless dishes are perfect for either a hearty breakfast or a quick lunch and therefore for fifty years their business hours have been from 4:00 am until 1:00 pm. The current owner, Lu Dong-yin, took over from his father and has been working in the noodle shop for thirty years. She continues to focus on maintaining the high quality and delicious flavors her father created. The guests are neighbors who are predominately farmers and therefore start their day very early. However, for decades they have been coming to have Lu's noodle soups for breakfast and lunch.

Ms. Lu Dong-yin was trained by her father in how to prepare the handmade noodles from scratch. There are no additives in the dough, which takes more than an hour to knead. She describes the wonderful chewiness of the noodles comes from their secret "pull" that can only be achieved by manually preparing the noodles. The noodles are then boiled, tossed in a sesame-based sauce and topped with a few slices of lean braised pork. The steam carries a wonderful fragrance of sesame oil.

The wontons are also made from scratch and wrapped by hand. The filling is made from market fresh pork, always used the same day and never frozen. This is a key element in creating it's a smooth, silky texture. The soup is also made daily with pork bones and seasoned with only a dash of soy sauce for color and flavor, always leaving the guests wanting more.

At Old Lu's, everything is fresh and handmade. The menu and the dishes have all been tested over time and continue to be neighborhood favorites. It is one of the best places in Kaohsiung to find classic comfort food.

Old Lu's Jiangsi Style Noodle Shop

No.62, Zhongzheng Rd., Guanting Vil. Neimen Dist., Kaohsiung City

Closed on Wednesdays











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