2015年2月2日 星期一

Oscar diversity 奧斯卡入圍名單「太白」爭議

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2015/02/03 第324期 | 訂閱/退訂 | 看歷史報份

Unifying cry to let Japanese hostage go

Japan turns to 'I am Kenji' Facebook page on hostage crisis

The plight of freelance journalist Kenji Goto, taken captive by Islamic State group militants, has gripped Japan, and the people's hopes for his safety are now on Facebook with a simple, unifying plea: "I am Kenji." The video, posted online last week, showing Goto and another Japanese hostage, has dominated mainstream media in Japan, a relatively crime-free nation unaccustomed to such violence. But as government officials made stately pronouncements on TV news, regular people were taking action of their own — online, with some rallying to Goto's support and others mocking the terrorists with images — in a quiet but massive show of defiance. 日本自由記者後藤健二遭「伊斯蘭國」組織武裝份子挾持事件,牽動該國上下的心,人們紛紛在臉書網頁上以「我是健二」來表達一個簡單的訴求,即盼望他能平安歸來。後藤和另一名日籍人質的影片上週在網路上出現後,日本這個犯罪率相對偏低且這類暴力事件並不常見的國家的主流媒體,便大幅報導了這項消息。在政府官員 在電視新聞上發表嚴肅的聲明同時,普羅大眾亦自行採取靜態且堅忍不屈的大規模行動,經由網路表達對後藤的支持,另還有人藉由圖像來嘲諷恐怖份子。
"We want Kenji to come home," said Taku Nishimae, a Japanese filmmaker living in New York, who started the "I am Kenji" Facebook page, right after seeing the video threatening the hostages' lives. The page, with thousands of "likes," asks people to post self-portraits and other photos with a sign that says: "I am Kenji." It's a reference to the "Je Suis Charlie," or "I Am Charlie," slogan showing solidarity with Charlie Hebdo, the Paris weekly newspaper where 12 people were killed in a terrorist attack earlier this month. "Let's show that we're united, and tell that it's unjust to kill innocent citizens and it's meaningless to turn entire nation against you," the Facebook page says in English and Japanese. 旅居美國紐約的日籍電影製作人西前拓在看過揚言殺害人質的影片後,立即在臉書上成立名為「我是健二」的專頁,並表示:「我們希望健二能夠回家」。這個臉書專頁希望人們上傳附上「我是健二」標語的自拍照或其他照片, 而這個網頁迄今已獲得上千人「按讚」支持。「我是健二」影射法國巴黎《查理週刊》本月稍早驚傳造成十二人喪生的恐怖攻擊後,所應運而生的展現團結的「我是查理」口號。該臉書專頁以英文和日文寫道:「讓我們展現團結,傳達殺害無辜平民不公不義,而且與全體日本人為敵更是完全沒有意義等訊息。」
Nishimae, 52, stressed the page is not about taking political sides, or even about freedom of the press, but a more general human statement, like a desperate prayer. About a thousand people have posted photos, some of them portraits holding handwritten messages, some identifying themselves as Muslim, but all with the same message. The slogan has taken off. "I am Kenji" was among the signs held up at a demonstration of about 1,000 people outside the prime minister's office, demanding the government do more to save the hostages. "It's great people are getting inspired," said Nishimae, who has known Goto, 47, for 12 years and has worked with him on documentary movies. "Even now, I can't believe it. But it is Kenji. It feels so unreal." 五十二歲的西前強調,這個頁面不是為了表明政治立場,甚至也和媒體自由無關,而是要傳達像是絕望的人們共同祈禱等全體世人更普遍心聲。該網頁目前已有上千人上傳照片,無論是手寫標語、或 者是表明伊斯蘭教信仰的人,它們表達了共同的心聲。「我是健二」標語已深入人心,更有大約一千人在日本首相官邸前陳情時高舉該標語。西前和四十七歲的後藤健二已相識十二年,並曾一起製作紀錄片。他表示:「人們能有所行動是好事。」並指出:「到現在我還是 無法相信,被綁架的竟然是後藤,真是太不真實了。」
Robert Campbell, an American professor of Japanese literature at the University of Tokyo posted his "I am Kenji" photo out of impulse. But he wanted more people to know Goto's work and added a translation he did into English of Goto's blog on the suffering of the people of Syria, which starts: "Why did they have to die?" 在東京大學任教的美籍日本文學教授羅伯特坎貝爾也心血來潮地上傳了自己的「我是健二」照片。不過他希望更多人能夠知道後藤所付出的努力,並將後藤有關敘利亞人民所遭受的苦難的部落格翻譯成英文,而這個部落格的開頭寫道:「他們 為什麼要死?」
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本文來自Student Post 1419期
1月31日 – 2月6日, 2015
Oscar diversity    

The motion picture academy has been under fire because of the lack of diversity among this year's Oscar nominees: All 20 acting contenders are white, and no women are represented in the directing, writing or cinematography categories. After the nominations were announced, the hashtag #OscarsSoWhite started trending on Twitter. 

美國影藝學院公布今年奧斯卡獎的入圍名單,其中演技獎項的廿位角逐者清一色都是白人,最佳導演、編劇或攝影類獎項也沒有女性提名人,這份不夠「多元」的名單因而遭到抨擊,並引起 #OscarsSoWhite(奧斯卡太白)等推特標籤開始在網路上流行。   
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