2024年4月1日 星期一

Discover the Duona Tribe in Maolin

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2024/04/01 第386期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Discover the Duona Tribe in Maolin
活動快遞 醞釀一瓶春天 燦爛梅好如仙 春之梅好三部曲 高雄青梅食農教育體驗

Discover the Duona Tribe in Maolin
◎Written by Cai Mi-ci
◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao
◎Photos by Carter
◎Photos courtesy of Information Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government

  In the winter months, captivating clouds and mist drape the lush mountains, creating a picturesque and uniquely charming backdrop for the Duona(多納部落)village. Tucked away within this enchanting scenery is the renowned "Yi Shan Mu Coffee House(一山沐咖啡屋). Here, visitors can indulge in a pour-over coffee, savoring the rich aroma and the cultural ambiance of the Duona tribe.  

  huo Ruei-sian(卓瑞賢), the manager of the coffee house, is the champion of the 2019 International Coffee Taste Master Championship(ICTMC 國際咖啡杯測大師賽). His family has lived amongst the Duona tribe for generations. They oversee every facet, from coffee cultivation and coffee brewing to managing the coffee shop. Since Jhuo is an expert barista, it guarantees world-class quality and service. Nestled in the tranquil mountains, patrons can enjoy delicious coffee with Mountain Litsea scones, one of his homemade puddings, or a soft and chewy Aiyu jelly. The coffee shop offers a delightful experience in a serene mountain setting.
Photo courtesy of Information Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government  

  Duona is a traditional Rukai village, where the culture has been well-preserved. It features carvings and totems that showcase the Rukai cultural symbols, including the hundred-pacer snake, pottery, lilies, and the sun. The slate houses are constructed with flat stones, providing warmth in winter and coolness in summer, naturally bringing about green architecture.

Photo by Carter  
Photo by Carter  
Photo by Carter  

  The villagers use slate slabs to construct barbecue pits for grilled meat and sausages. The alluring aroma attracts patrons for miles around. Visitors can enjoy the renowned indigenous dish, Cinavu, made with millet and rich pork filling. The millet flavor blends with the pork fat, creating a delicious flavor in every bite.
Photo by Carter  
Photo by Carter  

  Following a delightful meal, stroll along the approximately 20-minute (round trip) Warrior Trail; the picturesque mountain views and easy pathways suit all ages. Discover significant landmarks such as the Warrior Shouting Platform and the Headhunting Arena. Informative signs are posted along the trail to provide valuable insights into the tribe's history. Visitors can learn about traditional hunting practices and men's pivotal role in defending their community. This cultural journey seamlessly blends scenic beauty with the authentic flavors of indigenous cuisine.

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醞釀一瓶春天 燦爛梅好如仙 春之梅好三部曲 高雄青梅食農教育體驗


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