2015年1月30日 星期五

中國新年 Chinese New Year

【聯安醫週刊】提供健康新知、飲食營養等內容,以淺顯易懂的方式和大家輕鬆聊健康,落實生活中的健康美學。 【異外之聲˙同志熱線電子報】帶你/妳了解台灣同志社群近況,掌握第一手活動與報導,聊異性戀之外的事!
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2015/01/30 第243期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂「表示地點的介系詞」
【英語學習Plus】 中國新年 Chinese New Year
【本月發燒書】 超簡單手繪旅遊英語【二版】
【好康情報局】 要比去年的自己更好!2015新年計畫

  • in 常與城鎮、洲名、縣市、國家、大陸名稱連用。
  • at 常與「具體的小地點」連用。
  • at 和 in 可用來談論「在某個建築物裡面」。
  • 談論「建築物本身」時,要用 in 這個字。

<< 節錄寂天講堂「表示地點的介系詞」 >>
中國新年 Chinese New Year

Several festivals are celebrated in Taiwan every year. For visitors, festivals can be both an enjoyable and colorful experience. For Taiwanese people, it's a great way to keep Taiwanese culture alive in today's world and get a day off work! Most of Taiwan's festivals go by the lunar calendar and their Western calendar date changes every year.

Chinese New Year falls on January 1st on the lunar calendar, and it is the biggest event on the Chinese cultural calendar. It generally occurs around the end of January to early February on the Western calendar. During Chinese New Year, families come together, eat, and enjoy each other's company no matter how far apart they live. Traditionally, special foods such as sticky rice and year cakes are prepared. The words for “year cake” are pronounced like “rise in the coming year” in Chinese. So, people eat the cakes to wish for a good year. Some of the cakes are sweet because the Chinese believe that having sweet food can bring about good luck in the New Year.

There are several unusual beliefs about Chinese New Year. People don't like to sweep the floor during Chinese New Year because they don't want to sweep away good fortune along with the dirt. They also don't take out the garbage until the fifth day of Chinese New Year.

During Chinese New Year, Taiwanese people visit relatives and pay respects to the god of wealth. On the second day of the New Year, married couples go to the wife's house and spend time with her parents.

At this time, houses are decorated with flowers and couplets or congratulatory speeches written on red paper. Red is considered lucky and white represents death. Therefore, red is emphasized and white is discouraged during the holiday. Children and elderly people often receive gifts of money in red envelopes. Eventually, firecrackers are set off and families go out into the streets to enjoy traditional folk activities such as lion dances.

Not so many people believe in old ideas about good or bad fortune nowadays. However, people still like to follow the old traditions.


農曆一月一日開始是中國新年,這是漢文化裡的大日子。這天的國曆日期通常落在一月底到二月初。農曆新年間,家人無論相隔多遠,都會團聚吃飯、相伴。傳 統上會準備一些特別的食物,像是糯米和年糕。「年糕」這個詞的中文發音像是「年年高升」,因此,人們吃年糕祈求來年一切順利。有些年糕做成甜的,因為中國人相信「吃甜甜,過好年」。





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