2015年3月30日 星期一


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2015/03/30第210期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

訊息通知: biz互動英語報即日起改為「雙週發報」~~

Living the Life on Ilha Formosa

It's a typical expat tale of arriving in Taiwan for a short stay, only to extend it, return for another round or even put down permanent roots. As for locals, while many go abroad to study or work, it seems Taiwan never leaves their hearts and most return for frequent visits or for good.

In any popular locale, a number of factors combine for a pleasant lifestyle that keeps people coming back for more. Taiwan has the geographical advantage of a compact island with bountiful seashores, hot springs and mountains to explore. In larger cities, dense population distribution offers certain advantages. Public transport, such as buses and the mass rapid transit (MRT) system, is frequent and reliable, and bike-share systems are in huge demand. There is a growing variety of food options, some available at all hours. Bubble tea shops dot the city, outdoing each other with menu choices. Taiwan has the world's highest density of convenience stores per capita, at one store per approximately every 2,000 residents. These stores stay open 24 hours and offer a mind-boggling array of services. Entertainment comes in the form of ubiquitous KTV joints, funfair-like night markets, movie theaters and government-sponsored cultural events.

Taiwanese society is generally friendly, safe and polite, still retaining a measure of its Confucian roots. With nature and modern conveniences all within easy reach, it's no wonder Taiwan has so many fans.


在任何受歡迎的地方,許多因素會結合成愉快的生活方式,讓大家繼續回來享受更多。台灣擁有小島的地理優勢,島上有豐富的海岸、溫泉及山脈可探索。在大一點的城市裡,密集的人口分布具有一定優勢。公車和捷運系統等大眾交通工具班次頻繁且可靠,而自行車共享系統的需求量也很大。食物種類的選擇越來越多,有些隨時都買得到。城裡到處是泡沫紅茶店,品項選擇一家比一家充沛。台灣擁有全球密度最高的人均便利商店,平均約每兩千個居民就有一家便利商店。這些商店 24 小時營業,並提供令人大為吃驚的多樣化服務。娛樂則以四處林立的 KTV、有如露天遊樂場般的夜市、電影院及政府資助的文化活動等形式呈現。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.135 3月號biz互動英語雜誌 》
2015/03/30(一) Your performance fell short of our expectations.
2015/03/31(二) I want to see improvement in the areas of punctuality and sales results.
2015/04/01(三) We'd like exclusive distribution rights.
2015/04/02(四) We could consider granting exclusive distribution rights for the southeastern territory.
2015/04/03(五) The minimum purchasing volumes are too high.
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