2015年3月29日 星期日

Reading:Everyday Comfort Food at Riceman's Fried Rice/喬品賣炒飯 國民吃食高朋滿座

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2015/03/30 第171期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 喬品賣炒飯 國民吃食高朋滿座
活動快遞 慶祝兒童節「遠離3C 玩出快樂童年」系列活動開跑!
Everyday Comfort Food at Riceman's Fried Rice
【English translation: Peng Hsin-yi】

Riceman's Fried Rice has been serving up the same piping hot fried rice for over 27 years. Dishes are piled high and the restaurant is always busy during lunch and dinner. Although fried rice is considered a simple dish, it is prepared with a high level of expertise. At Riceman's ordinary comfort food is served in an extraordinary way.

Riceman's head chef is second generation manager, Mr. Ciao Jie. Over the years, he has added to the menu over ten different fried rice dishes and instant noodles served in homemade beef soup. Mr. Ciao claims his secret to delicious fried rice is the all-important stir-fried ingredients Until they release the aroma within !

The restaurant is constantly working to maintain the great reputation it has enjoyed. Only the finest ingredients are used. He only uses rice freshly made that day. The popular beef shank is cooked slowly in a delicious broth. The shrimps in the shrimp fried rice are bought fresh, shelled and cleaned one by one at the restaurant. Another reason for the restaurant's success lies in the chef's experience. Mr. Ciao maintains strict control over temperature and timing of the preparation of his delicious fried rice. He cooks with rhythmic movements. He systematically pours in the oil, then the eggs and simultaneously stirs them together. The rice is then measured to the perfect amount, allowing the rice to release its natural fragrance, mixing it in with the remaining ingredients. The dishes are always masterpieces that come together with skillful manipulation.

Each plate is made to order, as dishes must be served at a specific temperature. After years of practice, Mr. Ciao is able to fill each order in just three minutes. With a deep commitment to freshness, when the rice is sold out, he simply closes his restaurant for the rest of the day. However, years of hard work has left Mr. Ciao with chronic pain, yet when a customer tells him how much they enjoyed his food, it gives him the encouragement he needs to carry on.

喬品賣炒飯 國民吃食高朋滿座





慶祝兒童節「遠離3C 玩出快樂童年」系列活動開跑!


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