2016年2月1日 星期一

Romantic Cruises along the Love River/愛河遊船 航向幸福的滋味

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2016/02/01 第193期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 愛河遊船 航向幸福的滋味
活動快遞 亞洲室內最大「2016台灣國際遊艇展」早鳥票1月23日正式開賣 首推無紙化雲端票券
Romantic Cruises along the Love River
【English translation:Hou Ya-ting】

The Love River flows through Kaohsiung's downtown and is a must see for visitors. With its long history of many lovers' stories, it has become a deeply romantic symbol for the city. Beautiful year round, the Love River has different ambience by day and by night. Bask in Kaohsiung's year round sunshine by day or enjoy flamboyant sunsets and colorfully lit bridges by night. Dusk brings forth a truly romantic ambience and is particularly pleasant time for a river cruise. Kaohsiung features various options to see the Love River including solar-powered Love Boats, amphibious vehicles and gondolas.

The solar-powered Love Boats provide a truly romantic way to travel down the river. Cruises take visitors past the Jhongjheng Bridge which is beautifully lit up at night and the city's former city hall, which now serves as Kaohsiung's History Museum. Zodiac Wharf also features the 12 star signs along the riverbank and lit up at night. Finally, there are great views of the skyline from the Love Pier.

Kaohsiung's amphibious vehicles are another popular way to enjoy the Love River. The brightly painted amphibious vehicles are popular with young children and the elderly. Visitors have the choice of two routes which start out by taking visitors past the sights of Kaohsiung by road and then on to a cruise down the Love River. Tours commencing from C5 Warehouse at Pier-2 Art Center are only available on weekends and take passengers through the Yancheng District, Glory Pier and finally along the Love River. There is another route offered from the Ambassador Hotel. Both tours run on the hour from 11 am to 4 pm and take approximately 40 minutes.

Gondola boats provide a romantic feel that gives visitors the feeling of being in Venice. Sometimes the Gondoliers sing or play music and take visitors past the Jhongjheng and Wufu Bridges. By day the gondola cruise will take visitors along Hedong Road, past the Sea Turtle and Soaring Dragon statue to the Heart of the Love River. There are also extended tours that are given by Gondoliers which take visitors by bus to the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, the Jhongdu Wetland Park and conclude with gondola cruises down the Love River.

愛河遊船 航向幸福的滋味




亞洲室內最大「2016台灣國際遊艇展」早鳥票1月23日正式開賣 首推無紙化雲端票券

由經濟部國際貿易局及高雄市政府主辦,中華民國對外貿易發展協會執行與台灣遊艇工業同業公會支持之「2016台灣國際遊艇展(2016 Taiwan International Boat Show)」,將於本(105)年3月10日至13日在高雄展覽館盛大展出,登記參展廠家踴躍,展出盛況精彩可期。…

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