2015年1月26日 星期一


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2015/01/26 第124期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份




a) 捲土重來

b) 不景氣

c) 復甦

The controversial clothing retailer, American Apparel, removed Dov Charney from his CEO position. The founder had not been trustful in responding to the accusation of sexual harassment. Jeetendr Sehdev, a branding expert at the University of Southern California, expects the new leadership will a)return the brand to prominence.

具爭議性色彩的服飾連鎖店,American Apparel,將Dov Charney從CEO職位上解雇。這位品牌創立者回覆關於員工性騷擾的醜聞時,顯得閃爍其詞。目前任職於南加大的品牌專家,Jeetendr Sehdev認為新的領導風格,將有機會使American Apparel捲土重來。

Likewise, Lululemon, the yoga-inspired athletic retailer had a disastrous2014 when its founder indicated that women who had a problem with the size of Lululemon’s clothes were too fat to be wearing them. But with the company’s new venture into menswear, Erich Joachimsthaler, CEO of the strategy firm Vivaldi Partners Group, thinks the company is 1) turning a corner.

同樣的,知名瑜珈品牌Lululemon也有一個慘淡的2014年。由於該品牌創辦者,曾評論對於Lululemon衣物尺碼有意見的女性,聲稱:「她們太胖了!」。而2015年,Lululemon即將進軍男性運動服飾市場,Erich Joachimsthaler,策略公司總裁,認為此舉將有機會使Lululemon度過難關。

As the world’s most famous fast-food brand, McDonald faced a b) downturn as the trend to personalized and organic food over mass-produced hamburgers grew. However, Sehdev says, in 2015, the Golden Arches will succeed with a mobile ordering app and the “Create Your Taste” sandwich option, a program that allows people to customize their own hamburger with high-quality ingredients.”


By eliminating several featured services that had been the brands’ hallmarks, Jetblue had a difficult 2014. Joachimsthler sees the company 2) bouncing back in 2015, as it begins to target high-end, first-class passengers as a niche market and its expansion into the Midwest.

廉價航空捷藍,取消許多品牌特色的服務, 而歷經了慘淡的2014年。2015年,捷藍重新積極爭取頂尖客層小眾市場之商機,且將航線擴展到中東地區,將有機會重整旗鼓。

The past year was a challenge for Target, which suffered a massive customer data breach at the end of 2013 that will cost the company an estimated $148 million. Sehdevsees c) resurgence for the brand in 2015 due to its outstanding visual identity and its new partnership with Taylor Swift and Billy Joel. It will create an innovative brand-centric shopping experience.

去年對美國零售業集團Target 而言是個困難的一年。2013年年底,Target陷入客戶資料外洩風暴,這一波使該公司損失一億四千八百萬美金。Sehdev認為 Target在2015年將會東山再起。除了因為其傑出的品牌形象認同度,以及即將與Taylor Swift, Billy Joel等超級巨星的新合作關係。這些策略將為消費者創造品牌導向的消費經驗。


Turn a corner  度過難關、出現好轉局面
She was very ill but seems to have turned the corner now.


Bounce back  反彈,快速回升
The demand of technology products will bounce back in the next quarter.



  1. It’s hard to see the traffic sign in the heavy mist. 在濃霧中很難看見交通標誌。
  2. This beautiful poetry was written by my younger sister. 這首優美的詩是我妹妹寫的。
  3. Please answer this question: what is your country? 請回答這個問題:你的國籍為何?
  4. Taipei is the political and commercial middle of Taiwan. 台北是台灣的政商中心。
  5. In order to kill pests, various medicines were used. 人們使用各種藥物以求撲滅害蟲。


  1. It’s hard to see the traffic sign in the heavy fog.
  2. This beautiful poem was written by my younger sister.
  3. Please answer this question: what is your nationality?
  4. Taipei is the political and commercial center of Taiwan.
  5. In order to kill pests, various chemicals were used.

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