2015年1月26日 星期一

Get Stoked for GoPro  酷炫多功能攝影機 —— GoPro

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2015/01/27 第184期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Get Stoked for GoPro  酷炫多功能攝影機 —— GoPro

  In 2002, Nick Woodman was surfing in Australia and became frustrated that there was no cost-efficient way to take high-quality action shots of his surfing. He wanted a reasonably priced camera that could get up close and capture professional angles. It was this desire that inspired the creation of GoPro. Though it was first designed to film surfing, people from all over the world have used this little camera for activities from scuba diving to hang gliding and anything else under the sun.
  Adventurers and extreme sports
enthusiasts have used this little camera on the tops of mountains or at the bottom of the ocean. On YouTube, the GoPro channel has a variety of videos, which feature many people using GoPro in a lot of different ways. Whether it is playing catch with a friend, doing a back flip on a bicycle, or even catching a rare glimpse of a killer whale, this camera has seen it all. Capturing this amazing action does not come for free, though, because the latest GoPro will cost about US$400. The price is a bit steep, but the footage is breathtaking.




   2002 年時,尼克•伍德曼在澳洲衝浪時變得很沮喪,因為沒有符合成本效益的方式可以讓他拍下高品質的衝浪活動鏡頭。他想要一台能近距離捕捉專業角度且價格合理的攝影機,就是這樣的渴望激發了 GoPro 攝影機的誕生。雖然一開始它是被設計來拍攝衝浪,但是來自世界各地人士卻用這台小小的攝影機來拍攝從水肺式潛水到懸掛式滑翔運動和世上的其它活動。
  冒險家和極限運動愛好者會帶著這台小攝影機上山下海來拍攝。在 YouTube 上,GoPro 頻道裡有各式各樣的影片,內容主要是許多人以很多不同的方式來使用 GoPro。無論是和朋友玩丟接球,在腳踏車上後空翻,或者甚至是捕捉虎鯨的驚鴻一瞥,這台攝影機都能全部拍下來。但是要捕捉到這驚人的動作並不是不用錢的,因為最新的 GoPro 要價四百美元。這個價格是有點偏高,但是拍下來的影片卻令人嘆為觀止。

  1. frustrated a. 沮喪的,受挫的
    Jamie was frustrated when his baseball team lost three games in a row.
  2. reasonably adv. 合理地;相當地
    The two prison guards are reasonably friendly.
  3. up close  靠近地,近距離地
    The exhibition offered everyone a chance to look at Chagall's paintings up close.
  4. capture vt.(用文字、圖片等)記錄;捕捉
    The whole accident was captured on video.
  5. inspire vt. 給(某人)創作靈感
    The novel was inspired by a Greek tragedy.
  6. creation n. 產物;作品
    The artist's latest creation conveys his idea of time and space.
    * convey vt. 表達,傳達
  7. steep a.(價格)過高的,不合理的
    The rent for this apartment is a bit steep for this part of town.
  8. breathtaking a. 令人屏息的,令人驚嘆的
    The sunrise in the mountains is breathtaking.
  1. stoked a. 非常興奮的
  2. cost-efficient a. 有成本效益的,划算的
  3. professional a. 專業的
  4. hang gliding n. 懸掛式滑翔運動
  5. enthusiast n. 熱衷者
  6. flip n. 空翻,筋斗
  7. glimpse n. 一瞥
  8. footage n. 影片

angle 的相關用法
本文 "...that could get up close and capture professional angles." 中的 angle 表『(看事物或拍照的)視角,角度』,相關片語有 from a...angle(以……角度來……)。angle 也可表『(物品擺放的)角度』,相關片語有 at an angle(傾斜的)。例:

I think you should look at that problem from a different angle.

The poster of the rock singer was hanging at an angle.

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