2015年3月27日 星期五

New Leader Wants Golden Arches to Turn Into Halos/麥當勞推手工客製餐 你買單嗎?

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2015/03/27 第65期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 New Leader Wants Golden Arches to Turn Into Halos/麥當勞推手工客製餐 你買單嗎?
Questions of Taste Over Chocolate Deities/象神巧克力吃下肚 印度教徒有意見
New Leader Wants Golden Arches to Turn Into Halos/麥當勞推手工客製餐 你買單嗎?

For years, McDonald's has lurched from showcasing new items — Egg White Delight Mc- Muffins! sliced apples! — to mining nostalgia for its Big Macs and fries. Customers still line up at the drive-through window for cheap, quick cups of coffee and hash browns. But the company is also trying to appeal to more finicky eaters .

Can McDonald's be both fast and bespoke? Cheap and high-quality?




Steve Easterbrook , who took over as the chief executive on March 1, thinks so. He has presented a new vision of McDonald's as "a modern, progressive burger and breakfast restaurant" where "customization and made to order" are essential .

His first major act as C.E.O. was to announce that within two years chicken served at the restaurants would be free of antibiotics, or at least those antibiotics also used in humans. It was a big move for McDonald's, which is one of the biggest buyers of chicken .



A 47-year-old British national, Mr. Easterbrook is credited with turning around the company's 1,200-store business in Britain in part by doing things — reducing salt , adding organic milk — that appealed to a more health-conscious consumer.

But he may find the challenge in the United States daunting. While McDonald's is the world's largest restaurant chain, with more than 36,000 outlets, about 14,000 of those in the United States, same-store sales have fallen over the last five years, and last year the company turned in a miserable performance.



The fast-food market has splintered . Upscale fast-casual restaurants like Smashburger and Chipotle attract customers who will pay $5.99 for the Classic Smash burger ("handcrafted" and "seared and seasoned to order") or $6.65 for a steak burrito ("organic and local produce where practical"). The menu might be full of calories, but it comes with a halo of quality. The McDonald's core customer, on the other hand, is still looking for a $3.99 Big Mac, served fast.


Rivals of McDonald's are winning on taste and image. To catch them, the company might have to sacrifice speed, which has been its main advantage. And even on that score, it's not doing so well.

Ten years ago, customers placing drive-through orders would have their food in an average of 152 seconds . Today, the same order takes 189.5 seconds , according to research from Janney Montgomery Scott. The longer wait times are primarily the result of efforts to make McDonald's more relevant in a premium, fast-casual world.



The latest turnaround by Mc- Donald's is a Create Your Own tablet that allows people to custom- build their sandwiches from a menu of meats, toppings and buns. Barry Klein, the former McDonald's marketing executive who created Ronald Mc- Donald, tried it out. He said the burger he got could compete with those at higher-rated chains , but it was about $1.50 more than a Big Mac . The new burgers can be ordered only inside restaurants, and they take seven or eight minutes to prepare . "When something like two-thirds of the business is drive-through," Mr. Klein said, "this is not the solution."


Mike Donahue, who led communications at McDonald's from 1987 until 2006, said the company had allowed itself to be defined by others. "Instead of telling consumers that they sell more chicken than beef and are the Number 1 seller of apples, for instance, they've allowed the fringe groups and so-called influencers to define McDonald's as the company that's made America fat," he said.


The new marketing campaign, "Our Food, Your Questions," is an attempt by McDonald's to take back its story. Consumers can watch short videos that answer questions such as "What's in a Chicken McNugget?" (meat from the chicken breast, tenderloin and ribs ground with a small amount of chicken skin).

Mr. Easterbrook's first big marketing move indicated that he was reaching for the halo — the perception of quality — floating above some of his rival companies.

"It can't be all things to all people," Mr. Donahue said. "It has to decide."




Questions of Taste Over Chocolate Deities/象神巧克力吃下肚 印度教徒有意見

As religious questions go, it is a relatively small one. But, inevitably, it must be asked: Is it O.K. to eat a chocolate statuette of your favorite holy figure?

The matter arose at Bond Street Chocolate, a small boutique in Manhattan that traffics in detailed figurines of Jesus, Moses, the Buddha and the elephant- headed Hindu god Ganesh.



Last month, an organization called Universal Society of Hinduism issued a demand: "Upset Hindus urge withdrawal of Lord Ganesh-shaped edible chocolate."

The owner of the store, Lynda Stern, was puzzled. For more than five years, she has been selling the gold-dusted Ganesh and his shelfmates, beside passion fruit bonbons and chocolate-coated wasabi peas, with barely a whiff of controversy.




In the news release, the society's president, Rajan Zed, wrote that Ganesh, the remover of obstacles, was "highly revered in Hinduism and was meant to be worshiped in temples or home shrines and not to be eaten casually."

But Ms. Stern, whose nearly eight-centimeter-tall Ganesh sells for $15, has no intention of desisting.

"All spiritual icons are treated equally in my shop," she said, "with honor and respect to the religion."




But whether the statues offend the devout depends on whom you ask. "We Hindus look at the universe as eternal and god almighty as one," said Uma Mysorekar, president of the Hindu Temple Society of North America in New York . "So we would not say that the lord resides only in that little piece of chocolate. It's more like when they eat it, the lord comes back to us — he is within us."

The store's Divine Collection also includes a 10-centimeter- high Virgin of Guadalupe . The Reverend Santiago Rubio, pastor of the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe in New York, was not pleased to hear this. "We consider statues and images as sacred objects that help connect with the divine or the supernatural," he said. "So to transform them into merchandise, candy to eat, I don't think it's the best way to go. "



But a spokesman for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York, Joseph Zwilling, recalled a Catholic organization's dinner at which guests were given white chocolate Virgin Marys. "I don't think there's anything inherently sacrilegious about it," Mr. Zwilling said, speaking about Ms. Stern's Jesus treat, which is cast from a dashboard ornament. "It's the intention of the person making it that matters."

Hun Lye, a Tibetan Buddhist lama , said that an ancient Buddhist text, "A Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life," "says that those who get upset when the Buddha is being insulted should not call themselves disciples of the Buddha.""It's the Dalai Lama's favorite text," he said. "But probably you wouldn't see the Dalai Lama buying the statue and chomping on it."




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