2015年1月19日 星期一


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2015/01/19 第123期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份


商場上給人最不好的第一印象就是「記不住名字」,不管是拜訪客戶、新人介紹,或是社交場合、party.... 記不住名字的尷尬情境常常發生。為什麼「記住別人名字」往往比「記住身家背景」還困難? 我們一起讀這篇文章,你會發現,記不住名字,不是你的錯!閱讀前,請先想想這幾個詞怎麼用中文表達:

a)  等等!

b)  漏水的熱水瓶

c)  冒犯


Once, at a party, I was introduced to a friend of a friend. We shook hands, I told her my name, she told me hers. Then she did something that I was ever so grateful for.

a) “Hang on,”she said. “Can you say your name again? I wasn’t really listening.”

She saved me from having to later—possibly even at the same party—1) sheepishly admit that I, too, had already forgotten her name.





Why are names so easy to forget? An informal poll of fellow Atlantic staffers confirmed that this is something that happens to even the most kind and conscientious among us. No sooner does someone utter the most fundamental factoid about themselves than the information flees our brains forever. There are a few reasons why this occurs:


1. The next-in-line effect: You don't remember what the person speaking before you said because you're thinking of what you're going to say.


2. You’re not really that interested: Your level of interest can impact how well you remember something.


3. A failure of working memory: There are two types of storage in the brain: Long-term and short-term. The short-term variety is called “working memory,” and it functions like a very b) leaky thermos. Information like a name needs to be transferred to a different brain system that creates long-term memories that persist over time.

工作記憶失誤:大腦儲存記憶方式分為長期和短期。心理學用 “工作記憶” 來代表短期記憶變化,它的作用就像是不斷漏水的熱水瓶。如名字這般的資訊,必須把記憶轉移到不同的大腦系統, 以產生長期記憶才可能記得久。

4. Names are kind of pointless: A name doesn’t actually tell you anything about the person you’re meeting, and thus it doesn’t give your brain anything to 2) cling to.  So you get this funny phenomenon where you can remember lots about a person you recently met—everything except their name.

名字意義不大: 從一個人的名字其實很難提供你面前這個人的任何相關訊息,因此, 也就不會讓大腦有任何線索可以附著。所以你會發現一個很有趣的現象,你新認識的人,你可以記得很多和他們相關的事,但唯獨記不住名字。


So the next time you’d like to excuse yourself for forgetting someone’s name without c) offending the person, just say something like, “Oh sorry, I was just overly concerned with telling you my own name to remember yours.”



1. Sheepishly  羞怯地


He answers the phone in a sheepish way.他接電話的時語氣又變得十分羞怯。

2. Cling to  黏著; 依附

Cling to黏著、依附,進一步延伸為依戀或堅持某種信念。cling to one's own view是堅持己見,墨守成規,可以用cling to old ideas。朋友黏在一起用cling together。

The smell of the smoke clings.  煙味經久不散。


  1. I am afraid that I need to reschedule the meeting. Will 3:00 pm suit to you?
  2. We agree with this subject.
  3. Please make sure you have the ability to abide this agreement.
  4. This new product is ready to be for sale in the third quarter.
  5. We are considering the possibility to launch a new marketing campaign.
  6. Before making the final decision, let’s take everything into accounts again.


  1. I am afraid that I need to reschedule the meeting. Will 3:00 pm suit you?
  2. We agree on this subject.
    表示「關於…意見一致」時,應該用agree on,而非agree with。
  3. Please make sure you have the ability to abide by this agreement.
  4. This new product is ready to be on sale in the third quarter.
    for sale和on sale都解釋為「待售」,但for sale是指個人擁有的東西要出售,on sale則多指商店出售的商品,含「上市」之意。
  5. We are considering the possibility of launching a new marketing campaign.
    表示「做…的可能性」,有一個慣用語是possibility of+Ving,possibility後面不可接不定詞。
  6. Before making the final decision, let’s take everything into account again.
    take…into account這個片語意指「對…加以斟酌、考慮」,account後面不加s。

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