2015年3月2日 星期一


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2015/03/02 第129期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份


工作時,需要久站會腳痠、久坐卻又傷身。一種新的辦公室概念正在成形,在阿姆斯特丹展出的未來辦公室裡,員工可以用更動態、更活潑的姿勢工作。未來辦公室的桌椅到底該怎麼調整成最適合員工呢? 進入本文之前,請先想想如何表達以下單字:

a)   靜態的

b)   惡化

c)   推動

Standing and sitting is boring. A new office concept is 1) taking shape in Amsterdam. A much less a) static way of working is, leaning! In the office of the future, you might be supported by giant sculptures with any positions. This is argued by designers as a healthier, more active way to work than ever before.


“We wanted to create not just furniture, but new ways of working actively. “Ronald Rietveld, one of the founders of a Dutch design firm and an artist, Barbara Visser said. The new office is meant to combat all of the health problems resulted from working positionin the office—from heart disease to diabetes—that the typical desk job can contribute to or b) exacerbate.

「我們不僅要設計家具,更要創造新的工作思維。」荷蘭設計工司的創立者Ronald Rietveld與藝術家Barbara Visser說。這個新的辦公室企圖解決所有工作姿勢引起─從心臟病到糖尿病─等傳統的辦公室工作可能造成或惡化的健康問題。

In the new office, people lean in different positions and keep moving around the room. The designers are working with researchers from the University of Groningen to test the possible advantages of the concept office. What it seems to be a result is that people are more active in their head, but more tired in their body. That’s what sitting is not doing.


The design c) nudges us to rethink how our society is based on sitting- sitting in the school, sitting in the traffic and sitting in the office. The installation prompts people to rethink work. Working on the border of architecture, art and science to focus you to think in a different way.


The installation is currently on display at Looiersgracht 60, a gallery that focus on art and science 2) under the auspices of Mondriaan Fund, Stichting DOEN, The Armsterdam Fund for Arts, and The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research. The particular design may not show up in actual offices anytime soon, although furniture manufacturers have already started calling.

目前這個概念辦公室在阿姆斯特丹Looiersgracht 60畫廊展出,由Mondriaan 基金會、Stichting DOEN, 阿姆斯特丹藝術基金會、荷蘭科學研究機構贊助展出。這個設計可能在短時間內不會在辦公室出現,但已經有許多家具製造商熱烈洽詢。


1)Take shape 成形、實現
Though the movie was filmed within one month, the idea began to take shape two years ago. 雖然這部電影在一個月之內就拍完了,這個想法卻在兩年前成形。

2)under the auspices of…贊助、支持
auspice 原意是吉利的意思。複數auspices 當指導、支持。

Under the auspices of he gave a series of lectures under the auspices of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society. 他在蘇格蘭皇家地理社贊助下進行一系列的演講。


常聽學生說,學英文最想被糾正的就是「中式英文」。什麼是「中式英文」? 顧名思義,中式英文就是用中文思考模式說出來或翻譯出來的英文。相同的一句話,用中文說很順,但是用英文說就覺得怪怪的。對方也不會聽不懂,如果能更多留意文法細節及語感的部份,就能慢慢改掉我們積習已久的「中式英文」了。現在就提出幾個常見的例子來做個複習吧!


  1. Because he violated the house rules, so he couldn’t go out for one week. 他因為犯了家規,所以不准出門。
  2. Although my English is no good, but I dare to speak. 雖然我的英文不好,但是我敢說。
  3. She is going to cut her hair tomorrow. 她明天要去剪頭髮。
  4. I was thinking to go to Japan during Chinese New Year holidays, but they had no more seats. 我本來想在春節去日本玩,但是已經沒有機位了。
  5. A: Don’t you work tomorrow? B: yes, I don’t work tomorrow.A: 「你明天不用上班嗎?」 B: 「是的,我不用上班。」


  1. Because he violated the house rules, he was grounded for one week.
    中文說「因為…所以…」,英文說「有because就沒有so」或「有so就沒有because」。此外,被罰不准出門就是禁足的意思,「禁足」的英文的口語說法用”ground”來表示。這句話也可以說: He was grounded for one week for violating the house rules.
  2. Although my English is not good, I am not afraid of speaking out.
    跟上題一樣,中文說「雖然….但是….」,但英文裡Although跟but也是不能同時出現在一個句子中。例句中的 dare to 通常是指不可以做的事卻夠膽去做,說英文沒有不可以,所以用not afraid of doing something即可。
  3. She is going to have her hair cut tomorrow.
    用中文的說法直接翻成She is going to cut her hair是表示自己給自己剪頭髮,讓別人剪髮要用have her hair cut。
  4. I planned to go to Japan for Chinese New Year holidays, but the flights were all fully booked.
    這句用plan比用think 具有計劃與行動的意思。已經沒有機位就是表示機位都被訂滿了,所以可以說the flights were all fully booked。
  5. A: Don’t you work tomorrow? B: No. I don’t work tomorrow. Or B: Yes. I work tomorrow.
    在回答否定式的問句時,我們常會被中式思維絆住,分不清該說yes 還是no。其實很簡單: 後面的句子是肯定句,前面就是yes,後面的句子是否定句,前面就是no。

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