2015年6月26日 星期五

Hackers Paid to Do Right Thing/賞金誘人 付錢讓駭客出對的任務

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2015/06/26 第78期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Hackers Paid to Do Right Thing/賞金誘人 付錢讓駭客出對的任務
Real Jobs From Fake Businesses/虛擬公司真工作 法國職訓網發假薪水也搞假罷工
Hackers Paid to Do Right Thing/賞金誘人 付錢讓駭客出對的任務
In 2011, two Dutch hackers in their early 20s made a target list of 100 high-tech companies they would try to hack. Soon, they had found security vulnerabilities in Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Twitter and 95 other companies' systems. They called their list the Hack 100.


When they alerted executives of those companies, about a third ignored them. Another third thanked them, curtly, but never fixed the flaws, while the rest raced to solve their issues. Thankfully for the young hackers, no one called the police.


Now the duo, Michiel Prins and Jobert Abma, are among the four co-founders of a San Francisco tech start-up that aims to become a mediator between companies with cybersecurity issues and hackers like them who are looking to solve problems rather than cause them.


They hope their outfit, called HackerOne, can persuade other hackers to report security flaws, rather than exploit them, and connect hackers with companies willing to pay a bounty for their finds.



In the last year, the start-up has persuaded some of the biggest names in tech – including Yahoo, Square and Twitter – and companies you might never expect, like banks and oil companies, to work with their service. They have also convinced venture capitalists that, HackerOne has the potential to be very lucrative. HackerOne gets a 20 percent commission on top of each bounty paid through its service.


"Every company is going to do this," said Bill Gurley, a partner at Benchmark, which invested $9 million in HackerOne. "To not try this is brain-dead."


Hackers who find new holes in corporate systems can, depending on their severity, expect six-figure sums to sell their discovery to criminals or governments, where those vulnerabilities are stockpiled in cyberarsenals and often never fixed. Alternatively, when they pass the weaknesses to companies to get them fixed, they are ignored or threatened with jail.


"We want to make it easy and rewarding for that next group of skilled hackers to have a viable career staying in defense," said Katie Moussouris, HackerOne's chief policy officer, who pioneered the bounty program at Microsoft. "Right now, we're on the fence."


Mr. Prins and Mr. Abma started HackerOne with Merijn Terheggen, a Dutch entrepreneur living in Silicon Valley. The three met their fourth co-founder through the Hack 100 effort when they sent an email alerting Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's chief operating officer, of a vulnerability in Facebook's systems. Ms. Sandberg didn't just thank them, she printed out their message, handed it to Alex Rice, Facebook's product security guru at the time, and told him to fix it. Mr. Rice worked with them to fix the issue, paid them a $4,000 bounty and joined them a year later.


Tech companies began rewarding hackers five years ago when Google started paying hackers $3,133.70 for bugs (31337 is hacker code for "elite"). Since then, Google has paid as much as $150,000 for a single bounty and doled out more than $4 million to hackers. Mr. Rice and Ms. Moussouris helped pioneer the bounty programs at Facebook and Microsoft.


"A lot of companies have hackers – they just don't know it," Mr. Terheggen said. "The bad guys are on there already. The good guys don't show up unless you invite them."


About 1,500 hackers are on HackerOne's platform. They have fixed around 9,000 bugs and received more than $3 million in bounties.


HackerOne competes with the bounty programs its founders helped start at Facebook, Microsoft and Google. HackerOne also competes with Bugcrowd, a similar start-up that charges companies an annual fee to manage their programs. Bugcrowd works with young companies like Pinterest and institutions like Western Union.

「駭客一號」和他們創辦人協助臉書、微軟和谷歌設置的獎金計畫一起競爭客戶。「駭客一號」也和「蟲群」競爭,這家新興公司以收取年費方式替企業管理程式。「蟲群」的合作對象包括年輕公司如新社群媒體 Pinterest,以及「西聯匯款」這類的機構。

"Every technology has vulnerabilities, and if you don't have a public process for responsible hackers to report them, you are only going to find out about them through attacks in the black market," Mr. Rice said. "That is just unacceptable."


Real Jobs From Fake Businesses/虛擬公司真工作 法國職訓網發假薪水也搞假罷工
At 9:30 a.m. one weekday, the phones at Candelia, a purveyor of sleek office furniture in Lille, France, rang steadily with orders from customers across the country and from Switzerland and Germany. A dozen workers processed sales, dealt with suppliers and arranged for desks and chairs to be shipped.


Sabine de Buyzer leaned into her computer and scanned a row of numbers. Candelia was doing well. "We have to be profitable," she said. "Everyone's working all out to make sure we succeed."


This was a sentiment any boss would like to hear, but in this case the entire business is fake. So are Candelia's customers and suppliers. Even the bank where Candelia gets its loans is not real.


And there are thousands more fake businesses like this across Europe. These companies are all part of an elaborate training network that effectively operates as a parallel economic universe. For years, the aim was to train students and unemployed workers looking to make a transition to different industries. Now they are being used to combat the alarming rise in long-term unemployment, one of Europe's most pressing problems.


圖擷自Inform Foundation

Ms. de Buyzer, 41, lost her job as a secretary two years ago and has been unable to find steady work. Since January, though, she arrives by 9 a.m. at the small office in a low-income neighborhood of Lille, where joblessness is among the highest in the country.


"It's been very difficult to find a job," said Ms. de Buyzer, who like most of the trainees has been collecting unemployment benefits. "When you look for a long time and don't find anything, it's so hard. You can get depressed," she said. "I just want to work."


Five years after Europe descended into crisis, there are signs that a recovery may finally be taking hold. Yet long-term unemployment – the kind that Ms. de Buyzer and nearly 10 million others in the eurozone are experiencing – has become a defining reality. Last year, a staggering 52.6 percent of unemployed people in the eurozone were without work for a year or more, the highest on record, according to the statistical agency Eurostat.


"If you have a significant part of the population that's not integrated, they won't increase their spending, which dampens a possible recovery," said Paul de Grauwe, of the London School of Economics.


The concept of virtual companies, also known as practice firms, traces its roots to Germany after World War II, when large numbers of people needed to reorient their skills. Intended to supplement vocational training, the centers spread rapidly in the last two decades. Today about 5,000 practice firms operate on the Continent, supported by government funds, with at least 2,500 elsewhere in the world.


Within France, 12 new centers have sprung up since 2013, said Pierre Troton of Euro Ent'Ent, which oversees the nation's network of 110 virtual companies.

監管全法國110家虛擬公司網絡的Euro Ent'Ent機構的皮耶.特侯頓說,自2013年以來法國出現了12個新中心。

In the companies, workers rotate through payroll, accounting and other departments. They receive virtual salaries to spend in the make-believe economy.


Some of the faux companies even hold strikes – a common occurrence in France. Axisco, a virtual payment processing center in Val d'Oise, recently staged a fake protest, with slogans and painted banners, to teach workers' rights and to train human resources staff members to calm tensions.


"The products and the money are fake, but you call a virtual firm in Switzerland and a person answers," said Helene Dereuddre, 19, who was receiving administrative training at Candelia. "People see that they are capable of learning and working."


At Candelia, Ms. Dereuddre spent a week compiling a catalog of discounted furniture and a spring sales brochure to move inventory that hadn't been selling well. To do so, she studied real market prices.


Several of the firms slid into virtual bankruptcy when they became unprofitable. When that happened, the staff members took steps to shut down the company. They also learned how to open a new one, including applying for loans at a fake bank.


About 60 to 70 percent of those who go through France's practice firms find jobs, Mr. Troton said.


Most are low-paying and last for short stints, sometimes only up to six months. Today, more than half of all new jobs in the European Union are temporary contracts, Eurostat said.


Armed with university degrees in literature and art, Bryan Scoth, 23, had searched seven months for work. After training at Candelia, he landed a one-year contract this spring as an administrator at an unemployment office in Lille. While the position was not what he had hoped for, it was a triumph after a string of rejections.


"I've gotten my head above water," Mr. Scoth said.



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