2015年6月5日 星期五

Post Offices Reinvent Themselves/黛安芬賣內衣 為何找上新加坡郵局?

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2015/06/05 第75期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Post Offices Reinvent Themselves/黛安芬賣內衣 為何找上新加坡郵局?
Blooper Reels From Films Raise Bar for Originality/瑞絲薇斯朋吃螺絲 NG畫面也要講原創性
Post Offices Reinvent Themselves/黛安芬賣內衣 為何找上新加坡郵局?
When a German lingerie brand wanted to sell bras online in Malaysia, it turned to Singapore's nearly 200-year-old national postal service.


Singapore Post built a website, developed a marketing strategy and now delivers packages for the company, Triumph International. The customer service team even answers questions about sizing. In South Korea, SingPost is helping to sell Levi's jeans. In Singapore, it is stocking Toshiba laptops. In Malaysia, it is delivering Adidas sneakers.


圖擷自Singapore Post

With traditional mail services in decline, post offices around the world are scrambling to reinvent themselves. Japan Post is buying the largest private package and freight delivery company in Australia, Toll Holdings, in a bid to create a rival to UPS and FedEx. The United States Postal Service, which lost $5.5 billion last year, is providing Sunday deliveries for Amazon. Australia Post is working with the Chinese Internet giant Alibaba to help local businesses connect with consumers in China.


"There are at least two business trends unfolding before us," said Frank Lavin of the e-commerce consultancy Export Now. "One is the death of mail. The second is this boom in e-commerce."

電子商務顧問公司Export Now的法蘭克.拉文說:「至少有兩種商業趨勢在我們面前展開。一是郵件的死亡。第二是電子商務的勃發。」

Besides its regular postal duties, SingPost offers a basket of services for companies, including website development, online marketing, customer service and, of course, package delivery. Following the Amazon model, it is building a network of 24 warehouses in 12 countries to stockpile goods for companies.


Singapore's central location, said Wolfgang Baier, the chief executive of SingPost, makes it a natural hub for e-commerce in Asia. He recited numbers to demonstrate the scale of the opportunity: Over 600 million consumers live in the region around Singapore, and 2.2 billion people are within a five-hour flight. "We want to be the gateway to the East," he said.


The shift has been stark for the postal service, once a state-owned company that went public in 2003. Four years ago, e-commerce barely figured into its bottom line. Today, it accounts for more than a quarter of the group's revenues, which have grown by 60 percent during that same period.


SingPost began using the Internet as a laboratory in the early 2000s. It dabbled in various parts of the supply chain. Then, two years ago, it created SP eCommerce to tap into the Internet retail boom in Asia. Today, it counts nearly 1,000 companies as clients, including Philips, Uniqlo, Deckers and Muji.


SP eCommerce's chief executive, Marcelo Wesseler, created his first e-commerce website in 1997 and worked in Silicon Valley before moving to Singapore. Other employees have come from technology stalwarts like Amazon and Hewlett-Packard.


The company also created a customer-care department. At its Singapore offices, 30 or so employees handle the phones, answering questions or addressing complaints. An additional 200 agents work elsewhere.


Last year, Alibaba paid $250 million for a 10 percent stake in SingPost. They are now in discussions to form a joint venture focused on e-commerce logistics in Southeast Asia. As part of the e-commerce expansion, SingPost upgraded its core delivery services. It has bolstered its network of warehouses and fulfillment centers, which handle freight and customs clearance so goods can move faster through the region. With its swelling population of young, mobile consumers with newly disposable incomes, the region offers new opportunities.


The Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi last year opened a regional headquarters in Singapore, using it as a launching pad to move into Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia. Next, it is targeting Vietnam and Thailand. It teamed up with SingPost for support on logistics for e-commerce, which accounts for 80 percent of Xiaomi's sales in Southeast Asia.


SingPost is helping the Chinese telecom company ZTE to offer its products regionally through a website that will go live in Malaysia in a few weeks. ZTE is trying to sell its smartphones directly to consumers in new markets like Malaysia, Indonesia and India.


Triumph International, the lingerie company, had been eyeing Southeast Asia for years, waiting for online consumers to reach a critical mass. Then, last year, Triumph approached SingPost to get started. "Using Singapore as a base, you can reach 680 million people in the region," said Teo Doy, managing director of Triumph in Singapore. "That is practically half of China."


Next, Triumph is planning to expand into Indonesia, once again with the help of SingPost.


"They have completely evolved," Ms. Teo said. "I mean, who sends letters anymore?"


Blooper Reels From Films Raise Bar for Originality/瑞絲薇斯朋吃螺絲 NG畫面也要講原創性
When directors first began attaching blooper reels to their films' end credits in the late 1970s and early '80s, there wasn't much to them. Actors flubbed a line, or laughed when they shouldn't have.


In the 1979 comedy-drama "Being There," one of the pioneers of the tradition, Peter Sellers struggles for three minutes to get through three lines. Back then, watching actors botch their parts was such a novelty that the reels didn't have to do much to make audiences laugh.


Today, tongue twisters have taken a back seat to physical goofs and alternate takes – those extra bits of footage in which actors and directors try to improve what's on the printed page. In "Hot Pursuit," some of the blooper reel's funniest bits are alternate takes of Sofia Vergara making cracks about her co-star Reese Witherspoon's looks, as well as shots of Ms. Vergara experiencing a panties-baring wardrobe malfunction and getting hit in the face by a deer hoof.



In the high school comedy "The DUFF," the film's few true bloopers are mixed in with cast selfies and scenes of Ken Jeong and Chris Wylde ad-libbing insults.


Why would a director choose to end a film with mistakes? Certainly no one notices when a blooper reel is omitted, and critics will pounce on a bad one.


Appending bloopers to the end of "Hot Pursuit," the director Anne Fletcher said, was never intentional. Initially created as a treat for the cast and crew at the wrap party, the reel got so many laughs that Ms. Fletcher figured she'd try it out on test audiences.


For her, the blooper reel was more about trying to give audiences one final taste of the fun. "It's like, look, we have more for you."


Blooper reels are also a handy forum for all those alternate takes that would otherwise end up on the cutting-room floor. Mr. Jeong "would be riffing in the library, and it was hilarious – the crew was just cracking up," said Ari Sandel, director of "The DUFF." "But it was Ken, and you knew it was Ken, it wasn't his character, Mr. Arthur. So as funny as it was, we just couldn't use it."


Now actors routinely take measures to protect themselves from the worst of the mistake.


"For mid- to high-level actors, there's usually a provision that says the artist shall have the right to preapprove in writing any bloopers or outtakes or DVD extras," Richard Genow, an entertainment lawyer.


Over the years, certain gag reels have elevated the craft. Jackie Chan's versions have been more about burnishing his legend as an action star than in exposing his on-set mistakes. And the gaffes created for Pixar hits like "A Bug's Life" and "Toy Story 2" weren't mistakes at all, but their originality and wit raised the bar for outtakes.


"I think the bar is just as high for blooper reels now as it is for the rest of the movie," said Jonathan Glickman, president of MGM's film division and a producer of Mr. Chan's "Rush Hour" trilogy. "But sometimes you'll see outtake reels where they'll throw in every single thing. Sometimes things that aren't even funny."


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