2015年12月6日 星期日


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2015/12/07 第166期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份


(a) 獨身主義者
(b) 商場
(c) 蓬勃發展

Chinese students invented Singles' Day in 1990s, according to People’s Daily. It is a twist on Valentine's Day. Nowadays, it no longer is just a day for bachelors but a worldwide shopathon.

“When written numerically, the date (1) is reminiscent of ‘bare branches,’ the Chinese expression for bachelors and (a) spinsters." Bloomberg explains the linkage of bachelors and this date. Alibaba, China’s biggest e-commerce (b) emporium, held a huge celebration event at the former Olympic aquatics center in Beijing for the annual shopping day.

This year, the sales on Alibaba reached 1 billion USD in 8 minutes, while it took 17 minutes and last year. There are nearly 85,900 transactions per second at peak, 2.23 times of the figure last year.
今年阿里巴巴在僅僅8分鐘內,銷售額就達到1億美元,同樣成績在去年花了17分 。而今年銷售額更加驚人,最高峰時每秒有85900筆交易,是去年的2.23倍。

40,000 retailers were selling 30000 brands in this global shopping carnival. There are 6 million products in total. Alibaba estimates that it takes 1,700,000 deliveryman, 400,000 trucks and 200 air craft to take care of the delivery needs this year. To solve the fakes issues, Alibaba also hired 2,000 people to monitor the whole situation, and 5,400 “undercover consumers” to search for suspicious products online.

The most popular products are from Japan, the United States, Korea, Australia, and Germany, and the top five brands are Uniqlo, Huawei, Meizu, Xiaomi, and home décor brand jzez100.

Globalization is the theme of Alibaba’s sales promotion this year. More global brands and retailers' products are joining the market, including Costco and Sainsbury's, cosmetics brands Estee Lauder and Clarins, clothing brands Coach and Levi's, and others. Besides Chinese firms, on this day, Global e-commerce firms such as ASOS are also trying to (2) make a slice on the country's (c) burgeoning middle class.

(1) Be reminiscent of… 讓人聯想到…
His style is reminiscent of Picasso ' s. 他的藝術風格令人聯想到畢卡索。

(2) Make a slice 分一杯羹
Now the client wants to make a slice in that chain. 現在客戶也想在這個環節分一杯羹。
在這裡用play a part也是同樣的意思。



  1. Where is the capital of Canada? 加拿大的首都是哪�堙H
  2. How do you think of this idea? 你覺得這個想法如何?
  3. How many is the population of Shanghai? 上海的人口有多少?
  4. English, mathematics or chemistry-what subject do you like best? 英文、數學、化學-你最喜歡哪個科目?
  5. How much is the price of that chair? 那張椅子的價錢是多少?


  1. What is the capital of Canada? 如果用where,會讓人以為是在問加拿大首都-渥太華位於何方,但本句是在詢問哪個城市,因此應該用what。
  2. What do you think of this idea? 這是常見的中式英文,因為中文裡有「如何」二字,所以容易直譯為how,但what do you think of/about是固定用法。
  3. What is the population of Shanghai? 問人口時,可以說how large is the population of Shanghai,what is the population of Shanghai或how many people are there in Shanghai。
  4. English, mathematics or chemistry-which subject do you like best? 若無指定的選項,可以用what作為疑問詞,但本句是在多個選項中擇其一,疑問詞應該用which,而非what。
  5. What is the price of that chair? 若受到中文「多少」二字的影響,易發生使用how much來提問的錯誤,但how much本身已經有price的意思,所以應改為what。

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訂閱英語島一年12期+Cheers雜誌一年12期 (1/31止)
實體版 合購價48折 NT$ 2,500 (原價NT$5,136)

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