2015年12月2日 星期三

I'm Not a Businessman; I'm a Business, Man  商業嘻哈一把抓 —— Jay Z

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2015/12/01 第223期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

I'm Not a Businessman; I'm a Business, Man  商業嘻哈一把抓 —— Jay Z

  Shawn Carter, better known as hip-hop heavyweight Jay Z, is the greatest rapper of all time. He has sold over 100 million records with 13 albums that have gone number one on Billboard's Hot 100 chart, which is even more impressive than Elvis Presley's accomplishments. In addition, Carter has 21 Grammys, and counting, to his name. His skill with words is thought of as one of the best in the game, and his knack for business has made him one of the richest men in America. However, things were not always like this for him.
  Growing up in the poor neighborhoods of New York City, Carter made money by
leading a life of crime. His experiences growing up influenced his early songs, which he would often rap about around his mother's kitchen table. It was clear that Carter had a natural ability to freestyle his troubles, victories, and feelings into his songs even as a young child.
  Carter was first heard on Jaz-O's records in the early 1990s. In 1996, he released his
debut album, Reasonable Doubt, which became a classic on the streets. Soon, Carter entered into the music business with his own record label, Roc-A-Fella. The hard lessons he learned as a child growing up helped him become one of the most successful businessmen in the music industry.


  卡特的歌聲首次在九○年代早期 Jaz-O 的唱片中被聽到。他在 1996 年時發行了他的首張專輯《合理懷疑》,這張專輯在街頭成為經典。很快地,卡特以自己的唱片公司 Roc-A-Fella 進入了音樂界。那些他從孩提時代成長中所學習到的痛苦經驗幫助他成為音樂界裡最成功的商業人士之一。

  1. record n. 唱片;紀錄
    Eddie spent a lot of time listening to records.
  2. In addition, ...  此外,……
    Josh can speak Japanese fluently. In addition, he also speaks German.
    * fluently adv. 流利地
  3. be thought of as...  被認為是……
    Lions are thought of as dangerous animals.
  4. lead a life of...  過著……的生活
    The old lady decided to lead a life of peace by becoming a nun.
  5. influence vt. & n. 影響
    What my father said influenced my final decision.
  6. ability n. 能力
    It takes hard work and natural ability to make it as a great singer.
  7. victory n. 成功,勝利
    narrow victory  險勝
    The result was a narrow victory for Davis.
  8. industry n.(某一)行業;工業
    The invention of the copy machine changed the printing industry completely.
    * invention n. 發明;發明物
  1. heavyweight n. 重量級人物
  2. rapper n. 饒舌歌手(動詞為 rap vi. 唱饒舌歌)
  3. accomplishment n. 成就;才能
  4. knack n. 本領,技能(口語用法)
  5. freestyle vt. & vi. 即興演唱(表演)(口語用法)
  6. debut n. 初次亮相,首次登台
  7. label n. 唱片公司;標籤


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