2015年6月7日 星期日

Shoushan–Kaohsiung's Backyard/壽山 高雄後花園

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2015/06/08 第176期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 壽山 高雄後花園
活動快遞 [駁二藝術特區]2015高雄漾藝術博覽會參展訊息正式起跑!!
Shoushan–Kaohsiung's Backyard
【English translation:Peng Hsin-yi】

One of the perks of living in Kaohsiung is being in such close proximity to Shoushan National Nature Park. Located in Kaohsiung's southwest region, the 1,122 hectare park consists of four mountains (shan in Chinese): Shoushan, Banpingshan, Large and Small Gueishan and Cihoushan. These green areas give the people of Kaohsiung plenty of opportunity to interact with nature. At 928 hectares, Shoushan is the largest area in the park and welcomes 3.6 million visitors each year. It is truly the "Backyard of Kaohsiung".

Mr. Wang Kan is a volunteer and a guide in the park. He is an expert on the region and knows everything about the Northern part of Shoushan to the Southern part of Shoushan. When entering the Northern Shoushan Hiking Trail, visitors undoubtedly will see the resident Formosan Macaques. Mr. Wang recommends people calmly walk past the monkeys and do not bring plastic bags or food into the area, as they have been known to grab bags from tourists. In order to avoid being harassed, never feed or engage with the monkeys. These macaques were first recorded on Shoushan in 1862 by Robert Swinhoe, head of the British Consulate in Taiwan at the time.

The first stop on his tour is the coral reef limestone that can be found along the Shoushan trail. Another feature of the mountain is the Manila Champereia trees that are laden with fruits, which happens to be a favorite of the monkeys. Further along the trail is the Vine Tunnel. This was aptly named by hikers. Although the vines are brown and dry during the winter, they are luscious green during the summer. Mr. Wang pointed out Liriope graminifolia is the favorite food of the region's barking deer (Formosan Reeve Muntijac). There are about 138 deer in the park, which are another highlight to lookout for. In order to spot them, people must keep as quiet as possible and move slowly through the forest.

The Great Gorge of Shoushan is comprised of coral reef limestone and has been torn apart by shifting plates. Some of its gaps are narrow, but wide enough for hikers to walk through and enjoy its beautiful overhead. Mr. Wang pointed out that the sides of the gorge are usually green, but due to a current drought, they are monotone brown. The Great Gorge is truly breath taking and well worth the trip! The next attraction is the Thai Valley which is reached by following the walkway carved out the side of the mountain. Visitors will also find a group of banyan trees in the area, with the vines dangling into the valley like a curtain.

Shoushan is truly a treasure of Kaohsiung, with rare geographic features and unique eco-systems. Kind local people carry buckets of water uphill for hikers to enjoy at rest stops, exhibiting great hiker etiquette. A maximum of 15 people is required for formal guided Shoushan tours. Applications and guide appointments can be obtained at the Preparatory Office of Shoushan National Nature Park. Call (07) 262-0610 for more information about Shoushan and its flower and fauna.

Friendly Reminder

Thos who are new to the area please note:

(1) Please follow the log-paved hiking trails.

(2) Do not explore unmarked area.

(3) Do not entre the mountain areas after dark.

壽山 高雄後花園


一進北壽山登山口,三兩成群的彌猴毫不怕生,壽山彌猴由來已久,早在1862年英國在台總領事郇和(Robert Swinhoe)的論文就記述首度於壽山發現台灣彌猴的史實。但因人們長期餵食,彌猴常搶奪塑膠袋,王侃提醒,上山民眾手上請不要拎著塑膠袋,遵循不餵食、不接觸彌猴的原則,避免受到彌猴的干擾。



壽山「大峽谷」為珊瑚礁石灰岩地形,因受到地質斷層的張裂作用影響,若力道小一些,珊瑚礁石灰岩裂縫狹小,形成「一線天」的景觀;若張裂的大些 ,則形成「大峽谷」。王侃說,原本這時期壽山裡,兩側珊瑚礁石灰岩壁中間的山壁,呈現綠意盎然,但眼前枯槁的景象,顯示受到目前缺水的衝擊,壽山的植物正經歷艱苦的抗旱。踏出狹窄的珊瑚礁石灰岩壁,抵達大峽谷入口之際正值正午時分,彷彿透著天光乍現,陽光灑沓在珊瑚礁石灰岩壁的燦爛亮眼,屏氣凝神注視之餘,不免驚嘆!

接著往「泰國谷」出發,先得繞山壁而行,行經榕樹群盤聚處,抵達泰國谷 ,生長在峽谷旁的錦屏藤氣根垂下如珠簾般,景觀特殊。








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