Have you heard of the Ciwei Branch Line? Before operations ceased in 1978, the Ciwei Line was once a highly significant railway line, carrying large volumes of sugar for south Taiwan's once mighty sugar industry. The Ciwei Line started from Jioucyutang (Jiuqutang TRA Station) in Kaohsiung City's Dashu District and ended 39.4km away at Jhutoujiao in Meinong District. For almost 70 years, narrow-gauge trains were a familiar sight, hauling sugarcane from one end of the line to the other. The branch line was consigned to history as public transportation networks advanced and agriculture evolved. The line's wooden railway stations were removed one by one, and the running of the trains became nothing more than a memory. Thanks to support from local cultural activists and Kaohsiung City Government's Bureau of Cultural Affairs, the beautifully preserved Cishan Railway Station has been transformed into Cishan Railway Museum. Inside, stories are told of the past prosperity of the Cishan area. The museum itself is not a big facility, yet visitors can see touches of ingenuity in every corner. Deafening train whistles can be heard in every 15 minutes, while visitors can savor the nostalgia of the old, busy Ciwei Line by taking a simulated train ride in shaking passenger cars. As museum docents provide narration, the station's history unfolds right before your eyes. By connecting different elements of its unique history, including the sugar industry, the railroad, the land, and local people, you will be see a bigger picture of Kaohsiung and Taiwan's development. Next time you visit Cishan and its old streets, do not miss this historic railway station. You will find many beautiful local stories inside. |
你聽說過台灣鐵路的「旗尾線」嗎?1978年停駛的旗尾線,曾經是南台灣製糖業最重要、產量最大的一條鐵路支線。它起自九曲堂,終於美濃的竹頭角。在它營運的70年裡,長輩們記憶中的五分車,在這段支線上來來回回地收送製糖用的甘蔗。 隨著公路運輸系統的完備與農業轉型,旗尾線慢慢地退出歷史舞台;沿線上日治時期便建好的、各具特色的木造車站一棟棟被廢棄拆除。彷彿這段牽引著美濃、旗山、大樹三個地區發展歷史的記憶,也要跟著消失了。 幸好在地方文化人士與高雄市文化局協助下 ,保存最完整的「旗山車站」化身為「旗山糖鐵故事館」,繼續向我們訴說旗山的輝煌歷史。說它是怎麼帶來旗山老街的興盛、怎麼引領南部製糖業走入盛世。整個園區並不大,可是處處能看到規劃者巧思。每隔15分鐘鳴笛一次的火車汽笛聲真實得嚇人,配合坐上去能感受到晃動的重製客運車廂,讓人彷彿回到旗尾線交通鼎盛的年代。 跟著導覽員腳步,旗山車站的歷史一點一點地鋪排開來;透過製糖與鐵路、土地與人,高雄的、台灣的故事才能說得完整。下次你若有機會來到旗山老街,別忘了一路往老街的源頭裡走,老街源頭有一座剛從沈睡裡醒來的老車站。去拜訪它、看看它,它會告訴你許多很美的故事。 |