2015年6月8日 星期一

Cabin Fever  打造夢幻木屋

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2015/06/09 第216期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Cabin Fever  打造夢幻木屋
by Marcus Maurice

Building log homes is not just a skill, it is a passion.

  Once a year, the Great Lakes Log Crafters Association gets together in Wisconsin and builds a log shell for a brand new cabin and auctions it off. They do this to spread awareness of their handcrafted log building and to fund the association. Each year, truckloads of master craftspeople show up and work together for a few days for this event. It is a bonding experience because people can share tips of the trade with one another, and the shell needs to be built in four days. To make sure the log cabin shell is done in time, everyone on the team needs to buckle down and burn the candle at both ends.
  One of the master craftspeople, Nate, thinks that this is just like an all-star game in professional sports because all the great builders from the Midwest and Canada come and work together. He says that no one is on their high horse; instead, everyone brings their own ideas to the project, and the end result is a beautifully constructed log cabin shell. Besides brushing up on some old techniques and learning new ones, Nate gets a chance to spend quality time building with his father, the man who taught him everything he knows. He and his father bring out chainsaws and even have a friendly contest to see who can kick up the most sawdust. This month, National Geographic Channel goes in depth to see how skilled builders make dream log cabins a reality in the series Cabin Fever.

  1. cabin n. 小屋
  2. log n. 圓木
  3. passion n. 熱愛;熱情
    衍: have a passion for...  熱愛……
    Mark has a passion for music and plays several instruments.
    *instrument n. 樂器
  4. crafter n. 工匠;手工藝者
  5. fund vt. 提供……資金,資助 & n. 資金(常用複數)
    衍: raise funds for...  為……募款
    The research was primarily funded by the government.
    *primarily adv. 主要地
    The hospital is trying to raise funds for AIDS research.
  6. bonding a. 連繫情感的
  7. tip n. 訣竅,秘訣;小費 & vt. 給……小費
    衍: give sb some tips on...  給某人……方面的秘訣/建議
    Andrew gave me some useful tips on learning vocabulary words.
    I tipped the waiter NT$100.
    = I gave the waiter NT$100 as a tip.
  8. technique n. 技術;技巧
    衍: technical a. 技術的
    The doctor developed a new technique to treat the illness.
    The artist was highly acclaimed for his painting techniques.
    *acclaim vt. 稱讚
    Frank studied auto repair at a technical school.

handcrafted a. 手工製的
trade n. 手藝;(尤指需特殊技巧的)職業
chainsaw n. 電鋸
sawdust n. 木屑

  1. auction... off  (把……)拍賣掉
    auction vt. & n. 拍賣
    Anything we don't sell today will be auctioned online next week.
  2. spread awareness of...  宣揚對……的認識
  3. truckloads of...  大批的……
    Mike packaged truckloads of tomatoes in those paper boxes.
  4. buckle down  認真做事,努力從事
    This time, instead of disobeying his mother again, Al buckled down and studied.
  5. burn the candle at both ends  蠟燭兩頭燒(表『廢寢忘食;過份消耗體力』)
    Terry burned the candle at both ends so that he could get the project done on time.
  6. be / get on one's high horse  趾高氣昂
    After Willy won first place, he started to get on his high horse and criticized everyone.
  7. brush up on...  磨練/複習……
    If you want to get into Harvard, you need to brush up on your English.
  8. kick up...  揚起/激起……
    The boat went to and fro when the waves started to kick up.
    *to and fro  來回地
  9. make... a reality  使……成真
    同: make... come true


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