2015年6月8日 星期一

Good Fortune Bites 幸運餅乾。驚喜無限

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2015/06/09 第200期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Good Fortune Bites 幸運餅乾。驚喜無限

  They are a fun addition to any meal, and these tasty treats could hold the key to what lies ahead. Who knew that so much information could be stored inside a tiny cookie?
  In the United States, many people think fortune cookies are a Chinese invention1. That is because they are served in nearly every Chinese restaurant from New York City to New Mexico. However, they actually originated2 in the 19th century in Kyoto, Japan. There, chefs would slip a tiny slip of paper into the bend of the cookie, containing a random3 prediction4 of things to come.
  Somewhere around the turn of the 20th century, fortune cookies were introduced to the US. Makoto Hagiwara of the Japanese Tea Garden restaurant in San Francisco is widely believed to have been the first to offer them to his customers. The idea was a big hit, and today these treats have even made the jump to the big screen. In the hit film, Freaky Friday, a mother and daughter switch bodies due to an enchanted5 fortune cookie. The next time you head out for a meal, do not skip dessert. It just might tell you what's coming around the corner.









  1. the key to N/V-ing   ……的關鍵/祕訣
    Some say that happiness is the key to success in anything.
  2. lie ahead  在面前;即將發生
    Some difficulties lie behind us, but greater ones lie ahead.
  3. slip vt. 塞入
    David slipped the note into my hand.
  4. contain vt. 包含,含有
    That suitcase contains all of the new clothes I bought in Milan.
  5. the turn of the century  世紀交接之時,世紀初
    This town was founded around the turn of the 18th century.
  6. switch vt. 交換,轉換
    The manager decided to switch the meeting from Monday to Wednesday.
  7. skip vt. 跳過;遺漏
    My heart skipped a beat when I saw my girlfriend.
  8. be around the corner  即將來臨
    Summer is right around the corner so it's time to buy a new bikini.
  1. invention n. 發明物(可數);發明(不可數)
  2. originate vi. 發源
  3. random a. 任意的,隨機的
  4. prediction n. 預測
  5. enchanted a. 施過魔法的

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《玩命關頭 7》懷念保羅,音樂為電影注入了靈魂
近日《玩命關頭 7》熱映,其男主角保羅在片中的復活更是成為一大賣點。片尾的一曲<See You Again>不僅是影片的謝幕,更是電影給了保羅作為演員一個完美的謝幕,不知引得多少粉絲潸然淚下。

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