2014年11月30日 星期日

Li Chin-lun charms the city with her Joyful gallery/李瑾倫、毛孩子和城市的繽紛空間

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2014/12/01 第162期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 李瑾倫、毛孩子和城市的繽紛空間
活動快遞 2014璀璨愛河光影秀Vivid Kaohsiung
Li Chin-lun charms the city with her Joyful gallery
【English translation:Lin Fang-ju】

Li Chin-lun is the author and illustrator of picture books which feature her beloved furry friends (cats and dogs). Her use of simple strokes is symbolic of the sincere friendship that exists between humans and their four-legged friends. The books have been so successful that Li has opened a store called "Chinlun's Things" and established a namesake product range "Chinlun". She has since opened a store named "Bandon" at Pier-2 Art Center. Li Chin-lun has been an illustrator for a long time. In 1992, she won first place for her original picture book Piggy Who Swallowed Seeds, at the Hsin-Yi Foundation: Children's Literature competition. Li's other picture books have also gained huge popularity. In 1997, she decided to enhance her skills and broaden her horizons, so she went to the UK to study illustration. Her books have since been translated into many languages including Japanese, Korean, English, German and Dutch.

Chinlun's Things Store and her product range were established in 2010 and feature her illustrations. She has brought a new artistic perspective to Kaohsiung. Chinlun's products quickly gained success because they are unique, practical and well-made. Chin-lun wants to continue to integrate designs of her furry friends into her products. She wants to convey her philosophy of treating animals kindly and more humanely. She also wants to teach people about animal protection and hopes Chinlun's things store will become a foundation for helping animals in need.

Li Chin-lun treats her own dogs and cats like her kids. When she comes in Chinlun's Things Store, the furry friends always sit around her, but she is never disturbed by them. Chin-lun often observes how pets behave and how others interact with them. Her love for her dogs and cats are reflected in her work and products. Although the pets can't communicate with language, Chin-lun writes and illustrates her feelings through her stories.

In 2013, Li Chin-lun opened Bandon Grocery Store at Pier-2 Art Center and it too has become a great success. She refers to it as a "grocery store for young artists". Li is also using it as a powerful platform to share her philosophy that images should be enjoyed by everyone and that art should not be pretentious or intimidating. She also sells watermelon juice and ice cream in order to create a relaxing atmosphere that can be enjoyed by everyone. She hopes Bandon Grocery Store will become a place where her value of "art for everyone" can be realized, in an art gallery full of colorful pictures.

Li Chin-lun's stores have something for everyone. She believes the more beauty people appreciate in their lives, the broader their horizons will become. Now Bandon Grocery Store has become a highlight in Kaohsiung, Li Chin-lun can once again fully devote herself to creating new books. She plans to continue producing colorful illustrations and creating more stories about the touching relationship people and animals.






2014璀璨愛河光影秀Vivid Kaohsiung

展演時間: 103/11/8(六)~103/12/28(日),每週六日,晚間7:00-9:00。展演地點:愛河沿岸(中正橋-高雄橋區段),《巨型聲光秀》地點:高雄地方法院;時間:每三十分鐘展演乙次;最佳觀賞點:中正橋、愛河河西沿岸步道…

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