2014年10月30日 星期四

The Pioneering Women Forgotten by High Tech/高科技業遺忘的先驅女性

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2014/10/31 第45期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 The Pioneering Women Forgotten by High Tech/高科技業遺忘的先驅女性
Shoes Made With Recycling in Mind/為了回收再生而做的鞋子
The Pioneering Women Forgotten by High Tech/高科技業遺忘的先驅女性
While spending the summer of 2007 in Aspen, Colo rado, Walter Isaacson and his wife, Cathy, hound ed their daughter to finish her compulsory college essay. Finally, after hearing enough nagging , Betsy Isaacson locked herself in her bedroom until she emerged with a completed twopage essay.


"Congratulations, Betsy," Mr. Isaacson recalls saying . "What did you write it about?"


"Ada Lovelace," she replied. This was followed by a long, awkward silence. Mr. Isaacson, who was just beginning work on a biography of Steve Jobs, could not recall who Ms. Lovelace was.


"She's one of the women who has been written out of the history of computing," his daughter replied. Though some in tech know of her, Ms. Lovelace, who lived from 1815 to 1852, is an unknown.


It's no secret that people are often erased from the history of bigtech companies. It's so prevalent in Silicon Valley that it is known as "The Creation Myth." But what may come as a surprise is the number of women who played a pivotal role but who are now forgotten.


That is a central theme in Mr. Isaacson's new book, "The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution ."


Each chapter reinforces the core premise that Mr. Isaacson made after 15 years of research: That every technology innovation, whether programming code, transistors, personal computers or the Internet, was built by groups of people (usually by borrowing from past ideas). But while a number of the men have become celebrities, most of the women are lost .


Ms. Lovelace's role in tech is so paramount that her story is the opening and closing chapter. An English mathematician and writer, she wrote the first-ever computer algorithm, put forth the idea that humanities and technology should coexist and dreamed up the concept of artificial intelligence.


"Ada Lovelace defined the digital age," Mr. Isaacson said in a recent interview about the book . "Yet she, along with all these other women, was ignored or forgotten."


In her day, she was all but ignored, too. In 1843, when Ms. Lovelace's seminal computing notes were presented to Scientific Memoirs, an English scientific journal , the editors told her colleague Charles Babbage he should "manfully" sign his name in lieu of hers.


The exclusion of women has not only reinforced stereotypes about women and technology, but has arguably had a self-fulfilling effect in America. In 1985, 37 percent of computer science undergraduate degrees were earned by women. By 2010, that number had fallen by half to 18 percent. Now just 0.4 percent of all female college freshmen say they plan to major in computer science.


This is visible at major tech companies. At Google, men make up 83 percent of engineers. Of Google's 36 t o p - r a n k i n g executives and managers, only three are women. At Apple, male tech employees account for 80 percent of the work force. And at Facebook, 85 percent of the company's tech workers are men.


"Stereotypes are very reinforcing because as human beings we expect what is familiar," said Sheryl Sandberg, the chief operating officer of Facebook . Ms. Sandberg said that it is imperative to debunk the myth that women are uninterested in technology .


Reshma Saujani of Girls Who Code, which aims to close the gender gap in computer science and technology, agrees.


"If women had been more prominently talked about in computing, both in the history books and schools, we literally would not have the lack of women programmers that we do today," Ms. Saujani said. "It's about role models. You can't be what you cannot see."


Part of the problem, Mr. Isaacson writes in "The Innovators," is how the creation myth seeks to make heroes out of individuals, rather than the group.


He said, "Most of the great advances of the digital age were done collaboratively ."


Shoes Made With Recycling in Mind/為了回收再生而做的鞋子
When people first pick up a pair of sneakers designed by Steven Weinreb, they are typically perplexed.


"They'll say, 'Oh my God, these are extremely lightweight and they're so cool-looking,' " Mr. Weinreb says. " 'But they're made out of paper.' " The shoes are actually made from Tyvek, a material that is light but also water-resistant and relatively sturdy . Mr. Weinreb sells the shoes online and in boutique shoe stores through his company Civic Duty, based in New Jersey.


If you've sent a package, you've probably used Tyvek. Created by DuPont in 1955, it is made from high-density polyethylene fibers and was originally used for things like labels . It has also been used in hazmat suits, banners and packaging .


"I call it techno-fashion with a sustainability sensibility," Shawn Grain Carter, associate professor at the Fashion Institute of Technology, says of the new designs. "You've now got this consciousness of not just fashion for fashion's sake, but fashion to protect the environment," she says. "Tyvek is a nonwoven material that meets both those qualities. It's postindustrial. It's futuristic. It's postmodern."


Civic Duty markets its Tyvek sneakers as easy on the environment, and suitable for those who shun clothing made from animal products. It recycles customers' shoes at centers that convert them into "a picnic table or a park bench or something else that's made from the Tyvek itself," Mr. Weinreb says. (For recycling, customers must send the shoes back to the company.)


One of his competitors has taken a similar path, focusing its marketing on both environmental and cool factors. The three co-founders of Unstitched Utilities, also in New Jersey, met while working at Fila .


Several years ago, the group began experimenting with Tyvek . Now they sell sports shoes made from it . The shoes sell for $50 to $135 a pair on its website and in about 30 shoe stores in the United States.


A third competitor in the Tyvek-sneaker market, Unbelievable Testing Laboratory, was started in China two years ago by Token Hu, who was working at the design firm Frog Design. He began experimenting with Tyvek sneakers when his wife couldn't find shoes she liked that fit her very small feet.


Unbelievable Testing Laboratory is now based in both Shanghai and Las Vegas and is marketing its products to 23- to 35-yearold men who "work in the design, technology, I.T. and engineering spaces," says Joseph Constanty, a co-founder .


But there are questions about the environmental sustainability of Tyvek. It is, after all, made of plastic fibers. The companies each estimated about a yearlong life span for their shoes .


"It all depends on what percentage of the customers actually send them back and on how diligent the company is about recycling them properly," according to Rachel Obbard of Dartmouth University in New Hampshire, who has researched materials in sports equipment.

新罕布夏州達特茅斯大學的瑞秋.歐巴德一直在研究運動用品的材質, 她說:「這全得看顧客實際上把鞋子送回來的比率,以及公司把鞋子善加再生有多麼勤快。」

"Tyvek is equally strong in all directions, stain resistant, and has an excellent strengthto- weight ratio," she said in an email. But, she added, its breathability isn't as high as that of a typical running shoe.


"I could see having a pair of super light casual Tyvek shoes that you could stuff into a backpack or suitcase," she wrote. "I could not see playing sports in them."



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