2014年9月29日 星期一

Strangers at the Dinner Table 餐桌上的陌生人

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2014/10/14 第183期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Strangers at the Dinner Table 餐桌上的陌生人
by Marcus Maurice

Would you like to eat a three-course meal with people you don't know?

  Airbnb was a strange concept to start with. The founders thought that people might want to _(1)_ out their apartments or homes to strangers when they were away on vacation to earn some extra cash. They were not sure if people would trust strangers enough to let them in their houses, but they tried anyway. The gamble paid _(2)_ and the service caught on. Now Airbnb is a global phenomenon. Airbnb has become one of the most successful startups in the world, and it is currently _(3)_ at around US$10 billion. Now, Airbnb is back at it again and this time they want people to cook for others they do not know.
  Airbnb is always _(4)_ with new ways to create memorable experiences. They recently created dinner with strangers in San Francisco. This is a platform where people can invite strangers into their homes, cook them a three-course meal, and make US$25 per person. Airbnb takes a small cut of this _(5)_, just like they do for renting apartments. When the meal is done, people can review the dishes and let others know if it is _(6)_ to try that person's food. After the meal, the people can choose to hang around and socialize or just go home.
  While dinner with strangers has only just started, it seems like a no-brainer that it will catch on quickly. Airbnb has a great network of people who trust each other's reviews. This is a great way to meet new people in a _(7)_ setting while eating delicious meals. Imagine the possibility of going to a foreign country for vacation and eating a home-cooked meal with new friends right off the plane.

1. (A) rent  (B) wear  (C) fill  (D) make
2. (A) in  (B) up  (C) down  (D) off
3. (A) registered  (B) limited  (C) noted  (D) valued
4. (A) interfering  (B) experimenting  (C) colliding  (D) paralleling
5. (A) obligation  (B) intonation  (C) transaction  (D) subscription
6. (A) worthwhile  (B) sociable   (C) deliberate  (D) alternative
7. (A) conscious  (B) creepy  (C) unique  (D) previous

  1. The founders thought that people might want to rent out their apartments or homes to strangers when they were away on vacation to earn some extra cash.
    a. (A) rent vt. 租借,出租 & n. 租金
    rent out... / rent...out  將……出租
    Once the children graduate, their parents aim to rent out the whole apartment.
    (B) wear vt. 磨損;穿戴
    wear out...  穿破……
    Children tend to wear out their shoes very quickly.
    (C) fill vt. 填滿,裝滿
    fill out...  填寫……(表格等)
    Please fill out the claim form with your luggage tag number and name.
    (D) make vt. 做出(某種舉動)
    make out...  理解……
    The poem is so complicated that I cannot make out its meaning.
    *complicated a. 複雜的
    b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
  2. The gamble paid off and the service caught on.
    a. 本空格測試以下固定用法:
    pay off  奏效;(辛苦)終有回報
    All those years of struggle have finally paid off.
    b. 根據上述用法,(D) 項應為正選。
  3. Airbnb has become one of the most successful startups in the world, and it is currently valued at around US$10 billion.
    a. (A) register vt. & vi. 登記,註冊
    register for...  註冊……
    I'm going to register for a course on English literature this semester.
    (B) limit vt. 限制
    limit A to B  將 A 限制在 B
    The school limits the number of students per class to 30.
    (C) note vt. 注意到 & n. 筆記
    take notes  抄筆記
    Please note that we'll be closed temporarily next month for renovation.
    (D) value vt. 估價;珍惜
    These famous paintings are valued at US$3 million each.
    b. 根據語意,(D) 項應為正選。
  4. Airbnb is always experimenting with new ways to create memorable experiences.
    a. (A) interfere vi. 干預,妨礙
    interfere with...  阻礙/妨礙……
    Linda never allows her personal feelings to interfere with her work.
    (B) experiment vi. 做實驗
    experiment with sth  用某物做實驗
    Scientists often experiment with chemicals.
    (C) collide vi. 相撞
    collide with...  與……相撞
    The bus ran a red light and collided with a truck.
    *run a red light  闖紅燈
    (D) parallel vt. 與……相比
    parallel A with B  將 A 與 B 作比較
    You can parallel this book with that one to get a fuller understanding of both.
    b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
  5. Airbnb takes a small cut of this transaction, just like they do for renting apartments.
    a. (A) obligation n. 義務,責任
    be under an / no obligation to V
    We are under no obligation to answer any of these questions.
    (B) intonation n. 語調
    We usually finish a sentence with a falling intonation.
    (C) transaction n. 交易,買賣
    Some people are worried that Internet transactions are not safe.
    (D) subscription n. 訂閱
    take out a subscription to sth  辦理訂閱某物
    If you're interested in taking out a subscription to The Economist, please fill out this form.
    b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
  6. When the meal is done, people can review the dishes and let others know if it is worthwhile to try that person's food.
    a. (A) worthwhile a. 值得的
    It is worthwhile to buy that watch at any price. It's one of a kind.
    (B) sociable a. 擅交際的
    John is shy and conservative. In contrast, his brother Tim is active and sociable.
    (C) deliberate. 故意的
    My deliberate attempts to get Sally's attention were completely ignored.
    (D) alternative a. 替代的
    The rapid increase in oil consumption has led scientists to search for alternative energy.
    b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
  7. This is a great way to meet new people in a unique setting while eating delicious meals.
    a. (A) conscious a. 有所察覺的
    be conscious of...  察覺到……
    Conscious of the dangers of smoking, Benny decided to give up the bad habit.
    (B) creepy a. 令人毛骨悚然的
    The abandoned cabin was so creepy that no one dared to enter.
    (C) unique a. 獨特的
    The exposition displays many unique flowers from around the world.
    (D) previous a. 先前的
    Judy sued her previous employer for discrimination.
    b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
  1. gamble n. 打賭;冒險
    I don't know if I can rely on him, but I'm willing to take a gamble.
  2. catch on  受到歡迎;蔚為流行
    It didn't take very long for the latest fashion trend to catch on.
  3. be back at...  回到……
    Cindy hopes to be back at work on Tuesday.
  4. socialize vi. 社交,交際
    socialize with sb  與某人來往/交際
    John wasn't interested in socializing with other classmates.
  5. possibility n. 可能性
    There is a strong possibility that the project will fail due to a lack of funds.
  6. foreign a. 外國的;陌生的
    Both domestic and foreign companies are eligible to bid for the building contract.
    *be eligible to V  有資格做……
    Be sure to respect different cultures in foreign countries.
  1. three-course a. 三道菜的
  2. phenomenon n. 現象(單數)
    phenomena n. 現象(複數)
  3. startup n. 新成立的公司]
  4. no-brainer n. 不用動腦筋的事
  1. take a cut of...  從……中獲取一部份利潤
    cut n. 切割(本文表示利潤)
  2. hang around  逗留;閒晃

答案: 1. A 2. D 3. D 4. B  5. C 6. A 7. C

常春藤一夏!開學ING 健康隨行!

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