2014年9月2日 星期二

The Cute Cakes That Fit in Cups 百變杯子甜心

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2014/09/02 第165期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Cute Cakes That Fit in Cups 百變杯子甜心

  Some treats are local, others are international, but a select few delights1 become global favorites. No matter how they're decorated or what flavor they might be, cupcakes are beloved2 all over the world.
   In 1796, a woman named Amelia Simmons published the book American Cookery. In it was a recipe for a cake to be baked in small cups, and the cupcake was born. All you need to make cupcakes is butter, sugar, eggs, and flour3. For flavor, you might stir in chocolate chips, raisins4, nuts, or berries. People really go nuts for the icing5 on top of cupcakes. This allows you to get creative, turning a cupcake into a work of art6.
   Cupcakes have become so popular that they even have their own festivals. In May, Gardiner, New York, hosts the Gardiner Cupcake Festival. This is where vendors bring in over 30,000 cupcakes to Wright's Farm. Of course there's a cupcake contest and even a cupcake-themed race. No matter how they are made or how they look, these delicious desserts are crowd-pleasers every time.


  1796 年,一位名叫艾蜜莉亞•西蒙斯的女士出版了《美國烹飪》這本書。書中提到在小杯子中烘焙蛋糕的作法,於是杯子蛋糕就此誕生。做杯子蛋糕時需要用到奶油、糖、蛋和麵粉。至於口味的話,您可以拌入巧克力碎片、葡萄乾、堅果或是莓果。杯子蛋糕上的糖霜讓大家為之瘋狂。這些糖霜能讓您發揮創意,把杯子蛋糕變成一件精緻的藝術品。
  杯子蛋糕非常受歡迎,甚至還有自己的節慶。美國紐約州的城鎮 Gardiner 在五月時會舉辦 Gardiner 杯子蛋糕節。節慶時攤販們會為鎮上的 Wright's Farm 帶來三萬多個杯子蛋糕。當然,那裡有杯子蛋糕的比賽,甚至還有以杯子蛋糕為主題的跑步競賽。不論杯子蛋糕是怎麼製成的、外觀如何,這些美味的甜點總是深受大家的喜愛。

  1. select a. 精心挑選的
    a select few... (精選出的)少數幾個人/物
    Only a select few companies are allowed to compete for the contract.
  2. decorate vt. 裝飾
    decorate A with B 用 B 裝飾 A
    Betty decorated the house with balloons and ribbons before the graduation party.
  3. flavor n.(食物的)香味,風味
    Ice cream at this store comes in 25 different flavors.
  4. publish vt. 出版(書刊等)
    The actress published a book that taught people how to lose weight.
  5. recipe n. (糕餅等的)製作方法;食譜
    Tracy followed the recipe and made cookies for her friends.
  6. stir vt. 拌入;攪拌
    Kim stirred some lemon juice into the sauce to add some flavor.
  7. creative a. 有創意的
    The manager likes Jimmy a lot because he always comes up with creative ideas.
  8. host vt. 舉辦
    The International Olympic Committee chose Tokyo to host the 2020 Olympic Games.
    國際奧委會選了東京來主辦 2020 年奧運。
  1. delight n. 令人高興的事
  2. beloved a. 受鐘愛的,被喜愛的(置 be 動詞之後,做主詞補語)
  3. flour n. 麵粉
  4. raisin n. 葡萄乾
  5. icing n.(覆在糕餅上的)糖霜
  6. a work of art (繪畫、雕刻等)藝術精品

go nuts 是什麼意思

本文 "People really go nuts for the icing on top of cupcakes." 中的 nut 本來是作『堅果』之意,但改用複數 nuts 與 go 搭配使用形成 go nuts 這個片語時,nuts 作形容詞,表『瘋狂的,狂熱的』,與 go crazy 同義。例:

When the soccer player scored the first goal, the crowd went nuts.
= When the soccer player scored the first goal, the crowd went crazy.

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伊波拉來勢洶洶! 哪些防疫概念股即將熱身?

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