2014年9月2日 星期二

The Happenings 《魔幻大現場》

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2014/09/02 第178期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Happenings 《魔幻大現場》
by Marcus Maurice

People can be persuaded to believe almost anything.

  In Stamford, England, two illusionists set out to cause a bit of mischief in The Happenings, which is showing this month on National Geographic Channel. Barry and Stuart decide to test the gullibility of local people and start rumors about ghosts, aliens, vampires, and even secret psychic army takeovers. They look to create a buzz in real life and online to see how many people fall for their tricks.
  In one of the shows, Barry and Stuart go to a park and find an unsuspecting couple having a picnic in the middle of the day. They are told the tale of the Savannah vampire that has been roaming around the town and that vampires have a long association with death and decay. They have never heard the story, but are talked into giving the host a sandwich in a Tupperware container to see if a man in black nearby is really the vampire in question. They walk up behind the man in black, hold the container from about three meters away, and when they open the sandwich container, it is filled with maggots and worms. Naturally, this freaks out the picnicking couple, and they walk away stunned and bewildered. The man in black then turns around, holds up his coat and disappears into thin air.
  While The Happenings straddles the line of comedy and horror, it shows how easy it is to get people to believe the unbelievable by using the power of misdirection and suggestion. This month, check out The Happenings, and see if you would be as easily fooled as the people on the show.

  1. persuade vt. 說服
    persuade sb to V  說服某人(做)……
    Dan tried to persuade his parents to buy him a new computer.
  2. set out to V  開始/著手進行……
    = begin to V
    Researchers have set out to find a cure for the disease.
  3. rumor n. 謠言 & vt. 謠傳(常用被動)
    spread a rumor about...  散播……的謠言
    It is rumored that...  謠傳……
    = It is said that...
    Lily spread a rumor about the new secretary in the office.
    It is rumored that Gatsby is going to marry a rich widow.
  4. association n. 關聯
    associate vt. 使有關聯
    associate A with B  將 A 與 B 聯想在一起
    Our school maintains a close association with a college in the US.
    Children tend to associate Christmas Eve with gifts.
  5. talk sb into V-ing   說服某人(做)……
    talk sb out of V-ing   說服某人不(做)……
    Daisy finally talked her mother into letting her study abroad.
    Please don't try to talk me out of going on my trip.
  6. sb/sth in question  在討論中的某人/某事
    be out of the question  是不可能的
    The man in question is my brother.
    Lending you money is out of the question.
  7. freak out  嚇得半死
    freak sb out  嚇壞某人
    The sight of a large snake in her bathtub freaked Gina out.
  8. stun vt. 使大吃一驚,使目瞪口呆
    Phillip's strange dance moves stunned his girlfriend.
  1. happening n. 事情,事件
  2. illusionist n. 魔法師,幻術家
  3. mischief n. 惡作劇
  4. gullibility n. 易受欺騙
  5. vampire n. 吸血鬼
  6. psychic a. 超自然的
  7. takeover n. 接管,接收
  8. buzz n. 謠言
  9. unsuspecting a. 無預警的
  10. decay n. 衰退
  11. container n. 容器
  12. maggot n. 蛆
  13. bewilder vt. 使困惑,使不知所措
  14. straddle vt. 橫跨……的兩邊
  15. misdirection n. 誤導
  1. in the middle of...  在……中間
  2. roam around  遊蕩;漫遊


常春藤一夏!開學ING 健康隨行!
伊波拉來勢洶洶! 哪些防疫概念股即將熱身?

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